Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Papa, papa, papa !"

I'm awoken by the excited shouts coming from Harper. Louis groans beside me,and curls into my chest as Harper climbs onto our bed. I open my eyes and they are met with the blue of my daughter's.

"Papa, guess what's today!" She squeals excitedly. I let out a huff but smile anyway. "What's today angel?" I ask her and her smile widens.

"Today I'm going to big school!" She says and my eyes widen. Shit. I forgot. "Lou, Lou. Sweetheart. We have to get up. Its Harpers first day of school!" I tell my husband frantically

He then shoots up from my chest and stares at the clock panicked. "Oh my God! Its my baby's first day of school and I forgot!" He says and climbs out our bed and grabs a robe to put over him.

"Honey, go brush your teeth and when you're done ,put on your clothes that I'm going to lay on your bed for you." He orders and Harper nods and scampers off to the bathroom.

"Shit Harry! We overslept. We have about an hour to get her ready!" He says panicked and I roll my eyes at my over dramatic husband.

"Relax Lou. We'll be done in time. Why don't you go get Harper ready while I see to Connor and make breakfast." I say climbing out the bed to give Louis a quick peck

"Yeah, yeah okay. Its just.... My baby is growing up so fast! Its her first day of school and I completely forgot." He says dejectedly, and I smile at him. "She'll always be our baby ,Lou. But she needs to grow sooner or later. Now come on. Lets get busy!" I say leading us out of our room

Harper exits the bathroom, and shows us her brushed teeth. "Look Dada, I brushed my teeth's!" She smiles and Louis looks fondly at our daughter .

"Good job buttercup. Let's get you dressed and Papa will make us some brekky to put in that tummy of yours." He says and scoops up our squealing daughter and takes her into her room .

I then make my way to Connors room, and open the door to his room and see him wide awake , sitting up in his crib, gazing at the different pictures and painting of animal's on his room wall.

"Hey buddy!" I say, drawing his attention to me. His eyes light up and he extends his arms, waiting for me to pick him up. I chuckle going to pick him up, and when I lift him up, my nose fills with a smell

"Looks like someone need to be changed!" I coo, and take him to the changing table.

After a clean diaper, I take him with me to the kitchen and set him in his chair."Stay put while Papa washes his hands and makes something to eat." I say and he babbles, as if to say okay.

"Ma, ma!" He starts shouting as I wash my hands by the sink. I grin at him as he continues to chant 'Ma'. Louis dislikes it when Connor refers to him as Ma, but I love it. I think its damn adorable. He is the 'mother' anyway.

I grab the necessary ingredients to make French toast and heat up the pan. I gaze now and then to Connor who sits completely still in his chair as I make breakfast. He's a really quiet baby and I'm grateful for that since Harper was quite a hassle at this age.

After I made breakfast, Harper and Louis entered the kitchen. Harper had on her little uniform and her curls were tied into two side ponytails. My heart broke at the sight because it became reality that my little girl is no longer 'little'.

"Angel you look so smart." I say putting down a plate with two pieces of French toast for her. "Thank you Papa!" She says smiling widely as she begins eating.

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