Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry for not updating! I've started exams(School systems in South Africa sucks) so I've been held up with that! Also I wanted my next chapters to be good and not hastily written just so I would have something. So forgive me? And enjoy the chapter!

Dedication to the lovely LouisMyCarrot1991. Love you. Go check her stories. They are great!

Harry's POV

We've spent a week so far in the beautiful city of Mykonos and it's been amazing. We've gone sight-seeing, we've been at the beach, we've had sex, a lot of it and it couldn't have been a more perfect week spent with my love.

It's such a joy to see the smile that's been on his face for the past week. He's seemed more relaxed and less tense in the past week and I'm so happy I could do that for him. He deserves to forget about the world's troubles and think about himself for once. The only time he's really been sad is when he's missing our kids.

I miss them too, so much. We call and skype them every day and it's amazing to see what a week away from them could've done. Connor uses more words now and Harper seems so much more grown up now. I guess school does that to you.

It felt like just yesterday she was born, a day I'll never forget. But now, she's grown into a beautiful little girl. To think we had her 5 almost 6 years ago. Time flies. And then we had our precious baby boy. He wasn't planned but he has brought us so much happiness in these two years.

I miss having a baby around the house, Sure Connor's technically still a baby, but I miss holding a tiny little Lou in my arms. A perfect mix of the two of us. I also miss seeing a pregnant Louis. He is beautiful the way he is, but when he's pregnant, he just radiates beauty. His skin glows, his eyes sparkle and the image of him with a hand on his rounded belly, filled with my child just adds to his beauty.

And I'd love to see him that way again.

It might be too soon to have another baby when we already have a two year old, but I'd prefer Connor to have a sibling closer to his age. Right now, is not the time to have another baby with all the shit that's happening now, but I honestly wouldn't mind having another baby. I'm just not sure Louis would want that now.

I've kinda been wanting another baby for some time, but never said anything in fear it might not be something Louis wants so I've been quiet about it. What made me think about it again was when we were taking a stroll in the marketplace and a young mother was with her baby, Louis had gone over and spoken to her.

He was so eager to ask questions about the baby and his eyes sparkled as the mother told him about how she had had the baby two months ago and was enjoying her holiday with her husband. They were from America and had gotten married just before she had the baby.

Louis was so entranced by the baby girl and couldn't stop smiling when the woman handed the baby to Louis to hold. Seeing him holding her, sparked something in me. It seemed so natural for him to be holding a baby, and I so badly want to see him holding our baby like that.

I was hoping to ask him about it soon, preferably tonight when we get back from a play I bought tickets to see. Louis was eager to see it so who was I to deny him even though theatre is not my forte. If it makes him happy who am I to deny him it?

So now we're currently getting ourselves ready to go and see the play and after I got us reservations at a restaurant afterwards. He's in the bathroom freshening up while I wait for him. I just hope tonight goes as planned.

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