Chapter 22

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We decided on Riley. Multiple names were thrown around, but we finally came to our top two - Riley and Tristan. So we call him Riley Tristan Styles.

I currently am sitting up in the hospital bed, Riley attached to my nipple as he eats and I coo to him. He looks up at me with his big green eyes and I smile softly down at him. He quickly gets bored and looks elsewhere as he eats. I chuckle lightly and scoop down to kiss his forehead.

I had to basically force Harry to leave to go to the cafeteria to eat something. He hasn't eaten since Liam and Sophia came over three days ago, having spent all his time in the room with me. He started to look a little pale, so I kicked him out and told him not to come back until he ate something.

A little knock sounds at the door. I whip my head up to see Liam and Sophia holding Joshua. Harper immediately runs over, squealing, with Connor closely behind. She climbs onto the bed and crawls up to me, Connor copying her actions, just slower.

I press a finger to my lips, seeing Riley has fallen asleep on my chest, his pink lips still around my nipple. He reminds me so much of Harry. I smile softly as Harper mimics me and shows Connor, making sure he knows to be quiet.

"Meet Riley. This is your brother," I whisper, removing him from my chest and tilting my body slightly to show them. Harper shuffles closer and examines him.

She reaches up and cups her hand over her mouth, to shield her words from Riley as she whispers in my ear, "Looks like Papa."

I smile. "I know, huh?"

Connor just silently peeks over the blanket at Riley, inspecting him. I smile as they both just stare at him. He starts whimpering softly and I quietly gasp. I forgot to burp him. I throw the rag over my shoulder and lay him down, rubbing and patting his back. He lets out two little burps and I deem him okay, laying him back in my arms.

His big eyes stare at the new people, Harper and Connor, before he loses interest and peeks back up at me. Sophia comes closer to me, as does Liam, who gently coos down at the baby as he sets his own son in the carseat on the floor.  Soph smiles wide when she sees him.

"Oh my God, Louis!" She squeals softly. "He's so cute. Looks just like Harry, oh my Gosh, babe!"

Louis beams and tilts slightly to show Liam, who sags with a coo. "Oh God, Lou...he's so gorgeous."

Louis nods violently. "Yeah. Looks just like Harry. He's so pretty. Has the same lips, eyes, nose..."

"I hope he acts like you," a voice comes from the doorway. All eyes snap to look up at Harry as he pushes off the doorjam with his hip. He strides across the room, power and the demand of attention radiating off of him. His chin raised, to let Liam and Sophia know that this is his family and no one elses and he will not stand for any funny business.

Louis just beams at him, watching his confident walk as he rounds the bed, going over to him. He loves, bathes in the way he makes Harry feel and he loves the way he shows it. He dominates the small man and his confidence shines like the brightest star. He loves how possessive Harry gets and how that is his way of showing how proud he is of his small husband. He loves making Harry proud and loves when he bares his children. It connects them in more ways than one and Louis prides himself in being the man to bare his children and give him his family.

He can't wait to give him more. Many more. With, hopefully, no drama.

And he always loves being pregnant, so that's a plus.

Harry lays down next to him and wraps his arm around both him and his son, crossing his legs at his ankles.

"Papa!!" Harper squeals and lumbers over Louis to get to her father. Louis huffs, wincing, when she knees his lower stomach.

"Harper!" Harry exclaims, grabbing her around the waist to pick her off of Louis. "Be careful with Ma! He just had your brother. He hurts a bit down there. Can you say sorry?"

Harper pouts and leans over to kiss Louis' cheek. "Sorry, Ma."

"Its okay, baby," Louis soothes her. Connor cuddles into his side, his head still above the blanket so he can look at Riley, still skeptical. Harper snuggles into Harry's side, nuzzling into him.

Niall and Zayn burst through the door. Well, Niall does. Zayn follows slower with the baby in tow on his hip and the carseat in his hand. Niall gasps and runs over, crowding over Connor and Louis, his mouth hanging open. Connor looks up at his Uncle for a while before looking back down at his brother. Riley has somehow fallen asleep in all the visits, his fist bunched up by his cheek and his mouth open slightly, letting out soft noises.

Niall coos and touches his hair before kissing Louis' head. "He's so perfect, babe. Absolutely amazing. Just like Harry."

Louis beams in pride. "You should see his eyes. Just like his." He leans further into Harry and gazes up at him, smiling lazily. His lips part in a soft yawn. He smacks his lips together.

"Alright, love, you've had enough for today," Harry decides, plucking Riley from his grip. Louis whines for his baby, only getting silenced by a kiss.

Louis settles against his lover, his children surrounding him, all warm and sated and happy. He couldn't ask for more.

Hi this is @LouisMyCarrot1991 and i just wanna say thank you. I admired/admire @Larrymeharder for so long so i jumped on the opportunity to be her co-writer. I love this story so much and hate to see it end, but it had to. Sorry *tear* thank you for not leaving when she stopped writing and reading my chapters and im happy to say that she will be writing the next chapter, the epilogue.


 [side A.N] Thank you so much to all who stuck with me through this story. the votes and comments mean the world to me. I wanna again thank LouisMyCarrot1991 for jumping in to help me and doing an amazing job. Without her this story would have never gotten this far.

so thank you all and see you in the Epilogue. hugs and kisses

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