rubix cubes

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so yesterday i had to meet with our grade dean cuz i'm a "new girl" or whatever and he wanted "to check on" me so i met with him with these two other girls and we were talking and laus deo we went in a group or else it would had been reaaallyy awkward with just the two of us talking and i noticed an unsolved rubix cube on his desk and i asked him if he knew how to solve it and he said he did last school year but then he forgot over the summer and "it's so depressing" and literally my mood just got chucked out of the non-existant window like *that* and in my mind i'm like bro. bro. bro. you're "depressed" because you can't solve a rubix cube anymore. i understand people use the phrase "oh my god i'm so depressed" and "that's so depressing" but exCUSE ME? even i don't say i'm depressed. i say i have depression. that's two different things. but he has candy in his office though so i can't go around avoiding him forever

and holden in catcher in the rye keeps using the word depressing or depressed too i want to strangle that stupid hermit dude who wrote this book

phosphenesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora