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you know the quote "to the world you may just be one person but to one person you are the world"?
sure, I get it (to go along with "realisation??" in society?)
but seriously though; I'm not "the world" to anybody. I never was, anyways
like, seriously?
but honestly, no one's gonna miss me if I leave. you were fine when I didn't go to school and pretty much dropped off the face if the earth. I'm always the one talked over. that's why I talk so loud. I try to be funny so people keep me around. not like it actually works cuz I'm not funny and I'm pretty much kicked out of everything anyways. they pretend to like me, but I can see EXACTLY what ur doing. don't act like I can't. I may be stupid, but I'm not an idiot. we're all leaving each other this year, anyways. it's not like we're ever gonna see each other either.

phosphenesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora