Chapter 3

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I let out a sigh as I wander around on the streets. It's really crowded in Kokuyo Land now that the others have begun to arrive. M.M. was kind of annoying me, so I left to take a walk. It usually calms me down. "Kasumi, Kasumi!" a high pitched voice calls suddenly.

"Hm?" I ask. I look around for the source. It's a familiar, yet unfamiliar voice, as silly as that sounds. I feel that I should know who's calling me, but I don't. Finally, I spot a yellow bird flying towards me. It's one of Bird's birds. The creepy old man has a ton of these little guys.

"Kasumi, Kasumi. Come back, come back!" it continues.

"Hm?" I ask again. "Who sent you?"

"Pineapple head!" it chirps back.

Unable to hold back my laughter, I laugh and smile a little. "I see. Alright, let's go back then, shall we, little one?"

I feel a hostile presence approaching me and I prepare to attack whoever appears. "Shouldn't you be in Kokuyo?" a boy's voice asks. I turn around and find a dark-haired guy with sharp grey eyes. A quick glance at his red armband reveals that he's  part of Namimori Middle's Discipline Committee. He holds up a pair of tonfas. From his form, I can tell that he knows what he's doing. I decide that there's no need to attack.

"No, not yet," I reply.

"Why are you here then?" he asks.

"I'm just here for a morning walk. The area around here is much more peaceful than Kokuyo," I explain as I pet Bird's bird.

Suddenly, he seems to have taken an interest in Bird's bird as well. Then, he hits someone behind me. I turn around quickly enough to see the man, Dr. Shamal, fall down. I wasn't aware that he was here as well. I completely ignore him and I turn back to the Discipline Committee guy. "Thank you, I suppose," I reply slowly. "Um..."

"Hibari, Kyoya," he replies.

I nod and bow a little. "Thank you, Hibari-san," I say. "I'm Sato, Kasumi."

"I trust that you're not the one beating Namimori Middle students," he says.

I smile and reply, "Of course not." Ken and Chikusa are in charge of that.


When I go back, I find that there are bodies all over the place. I guess those people that we recruited weren't all that tough after all. "Mukuro-sama, all the people we put outside to distract him have been defeated," I report.

"Kufufufu, I guess they weren't much of a distraction then," he replies. He pauses for a moment and says, "You should go now."

I hesitate a little. "Okay," I reply slowly. I retreat into a different room and decide to listen in on what's about to happen.


After I hear the thud of a body, I realize that I can go back now. From what I could hear, the person I met before, Hibari, Kyoya was beaten pretty easily by Mukuro. Not that this surprises me at all.

I walk into the room and look at the ceiling. To be honest, it's beautiful. It seems like the cherry blossoms are glowing faintly in the lighting. It's truly breathtaking if I ignore the blood on the floor. Mukuro is just as skilled as ever. He chuckles. "You seem like you're enjoying yourself," he comments. "If you like it, I'll create this illusion for you as much as you'd like, my cute little Kasumi." He smiles at me. "But for now, why don't we go visit Ken in the bowling alley?"

"Kasumi, Kasumi!" Bird's bird greets as it flies through the door. It lands on my finger and I laugh a little.

"Hello there," I greet.

"It seems like this one likes you," Mukuro says with a laugh.

"I guess so," I reply. "It's very cute."

Loyalty (KHR, Hibari x OC x Mukuro)Where stories live. Discover now