Info/Chapter 1

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Name: Miria Inuzuka

Looks: Primarily red hair with black streaks, blue eyes, pale, average shape, usually wears red t-shirt, black jeans, fingerless gloves that go up to her elbow.

Friends: Naruto, Kiba (big brother, by 10 minutes), Ino, Ten Ten, Gaara

Enemies: Sasuke Uchiha

Likes: Music, clouds, shadows, dogs, singing, and dancing

Dislikes: Working, noise, being alone, being awake

Clan: Inuzuka

Village: Konoha (Leaf Village)

Age: 12

Past: Born ten minutes after Kiba, but that's okay because the two get along great. Miria found a coyote pup and named her Mimi. Her mom let her keep Mimir once she was treated for everything. Miria and Kiba both went to the Ninja academy together, where they made friends. They graduated with everyone at the age of 12. Later in the first year of Miria becoming a genin, the chunin exams started and she became friends with a Sand Ninja named Gaara.


Miria's POV

I woke up. Staring at the familiar face of my coyote pup, Mimi.

"Good morning Mimi" I said,stretching.

Mum walked in, carrying in breakfast.

"Happy Birthday Kiba and Miria" Oh yes, the wonderful July 7th. It was Akamaru's and Mimi's birthday too.

"Hey Mum" Kiba said, already sitting up. It was a Inuzuka tradition to bring breakfast into the person's whose b-day it was. Mum always made our favs for breakfast, so I was excited. She put the trays in front of me and Kiba, then left. We dug in and started talking.

"So, Miria, you're a chunin now? That must be cool." Kiba said. He told me when we found out that he was happy for me, and I knew he meant it.

"Yeah, I guess" I said, biting the head off one of the Sasuke shaped pieces of toast.

"So what are we gonna do this year?" Kiba asked.

"We could always go torture Naruto with the fact I'm a chunin and he's not. Or we could torture Sakura and Ino saying I have a pic of Sasuke with his shirt off."

"Or we could go see Shikamaru and see if we can get him to do something productive." Kiba laughed at the thought. All the other stuff sounded way to childish for Kiba and I.

"Let's do that!" I said, almost knocking the tray off my bed.

I challenged Kiba to see who could finish their breakfast first. Around others I have Shikamaru moments, but at home, when no one's here but me, Kiba, Mum, and Hana, I'm more lively and fun to be around.

Kiba and I got dressed and brought our trays downstairs, Mimi and Akamaru at our heels.

"We're headed out" I said, tying my headband around my arm. And with that me and Kiba ran to Shika's house.We got there and knocked on the door of Shika's house. Shika's dad answered the door.

"Hello Kiba, hello Miria, Happy Birthday. Now, may I ask why we have the pleasure of having the Inuzuka Twins here on their b-day?" Mr. Nara asked.

"We're here to see Shika." I said, sounding like a female Shikamaru.

"Can we come in?" Kiba asked.

"He's still asleep. His mother has been trying to get him up all morning because he was supposed to help me get things for Lady Tsunade. But maybe you too would like to help." I smiled. I grabbed a bucket full of water and ice and walked past Mrs. Nara up to Shikamaru's room.

I burst the door opened and walked in. I saw he was cuddling a photo and sucking his thumb. Kiba and I were restraining from laughing to loud. We took a pic and Kiba removed the photo, so that it wouldn't get wet.

I dumped the entire bucket on Shikamaru. He jumped up, wearing only his boxers. I laughed as he grabbed his drenched pillow to cover the fact he was in his boxers. Then he started looking round for something.

"Where's the photo I had?" Shikamaru asked, worried.

"You mean this one?" Kiba said, holding up the pic that Shikamaru was cuddling up.

"Kiba give it back, What a drag" Shikamaru was sorta freaking. Kiba looked at the picture. Then at Shika, smirking.

"So Shikamaru. May I ask how and why you have this?" He turned the photo toward Shika, which was the same direction I was in. Shika ran over and grabbed it, making sure I didn't see any of it.

"None of your business and if you tell anyone I'll Shadow Bind you to a fire hydrant." Shikamaru looked pissed. I thought it was funny.

"So it looks like Shikamaru has a dirty little secret. Not like I care." I really wanted to know what it was.

"Hey Shika do you know what today is?" Kiba asked.

"July 7th, so what." I looked at him, hurt.

"What's wrong Miria?" Shikamaru asked.

"You forgot it was Kiba and mine's b-day." I responded.

"Troublesome woman" Shika responded. He was going to go over to his dresser, which was behind me, when he slipped on some water. He fell towards me, knocking me to the floor. I felt something wet, yet warm on my lips.

I opened my eyes and saw that Shikamaru was kissing me. Kiba took a pic while my eyes were closed. Shikamaru got up, he was now pinning me to the floor. Mimi jumped on his back, knocking his lips into mine again. Making another perfect pic for Kiba. I didn't know what to do.

This was my first kiss.

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