Chapter 20

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Miria's POV

Well, Naruto's back and Gaara's fine, kind of. He was killed and brought back by one of the Sand elders. I was on a mission to what used to be the Land of Dragons to find out what to do with it.

The Kage/Feudal Lord of each Nation was sending a ninja and representative to go in there place. The representative by the Feudal Lord was named Toya Anamishi. He was in the carriage while I walked with Mimi. He wouldn't let her in the carriage because she might attack him since she's a coyote. And a pregnant one at that.

We got there and stood in front of where my father used to be. A pool of blood and vegetable broth was there right now. I looked away and scoffed.

"What do you think you're doing disrespecting it you leaf village scum!" I looked at one of our non friend nation's, Land of Lightning, ninja.

"I was here last year. Don't know about you, but I don't like remembering that I was about to be sacrificed and jumped by my deranged uncle."

"Your uncle was the leader of the Land of Dragons?"

"Yes, my ancestors are from here. My father's name is Ryu Ryujin, well, Ryu Inuzuka, not the point. I don't like the thought of being here and want to know where all the female virgin sacrifices went since my father released them."

"What do you mean by your 'father'?" I told them the story and glared at the Water ninja.

"Why are you glaring at me?"

"Did you miss the rogue water ninja. Is the Mizukage wouldn't have allowed them to live and escape my father wouldn't have died the first time."

"Don't talk down to the Mizukage like that!"

"I'm not. Just pointing out a fact. And you have a new one now don't you? A woman like my Hokage?"

"No one cares okay." I glared at Toya.

"Why did the Land of Fire's Feudal Lord send you?"

"Because I get the job done." I rolled my eyes and the ninja's went to one room while the others went to another. We started our conversation, we were doing stuff on behalf of our Kage's which went pretty smoothly.

"That's a great idea! Who knew that Gaara would choose such a good Sand ninja."

"How dare you disrespect my Kazekage by just talking about him so casually!"

"He's one of my friends thank you. I was in the chunin exams with him a few years ago and one of my best friends saved him. So I can be casual with one of my friends. The laws in all nations says nothing about not being able to be casual with the nation's leader if you are friends with them. In which I have all right... Now I miss him. I haven't been able to compare our hair color in a while and wanna see if mine has gotten darker. I'm pretty sure it has because our hair color was the same." They all just looked at me. "Sorry. Anyways. I think it's a great idea to just make it a giant orphanage for war children. That way they can have somewhere to go and live and be able to communicate with other nations children."

"How would we know who we put in? And what if none of them are ninja?"

"Well the non-ninja children will have their own school and teachers, teaching them what that nation needs to know. Ninja children will have similar core classes, but will have different jutsu classes. And for housing we should put them in a way that they are close to the nation with the nation's insignia on it. We'll do rooms of four, two bunk beds and have some two and one person rooms so that special cases can be cared for accordingly. For the nations to the east they'll be put accordingly, like the land of Fire is South West, and the Land of Rain and Wind are west, however part of the wind nation is a little south east as well, so we will stagger the buildings and once they get to the age they can go to the country they are from, they can become what they are supposed to be, non ninja's will stay until 18, ninja's 12 since that's when they usually graduate. Then once they can take care of themselves we'll send them to the nation. If there is any concern then we'll inform the nation concerned."

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