Chapter 9

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Miria's POV

It was finally time to get out of the hospital! I was going to go see Hinata to see how she was doing. I had heard that she was going through some really tough training and I wanted to see if I could help. I got to the Hyuuga residence and Neji opened the door.

"What do you want Miria?" He was acting all pissy and shit. I glared slightly.

"I came to help Hinata with training. Is she here?" he nodded and lead me to her. She was going against her dad and he knocked her to the ground. I sighed and walked over to watch. Hinata got back up and attacked again. This time she knocked him to the ground. Her father smiled and got up. They bowed and Hinata saw me and came over.

"Hey Miria. What are you doing here?" Mimi sat on the edge of the hall and Hinata petted her. "Hello to you too Mimi."

"Well, I was gonna see if I could help you with training, but you're doing fine with your dad I see." Mr. Hyuuga walked over and kinda glared at me. I swear all of them except for Hinata has it out for me. We left and went to find Ten Ten and Ino. We found Ten Ten with Lee at the training grounds fighting. I sighed and Hinata and I walked up.

"Hey Ten! Wanna hang?!" I hollered. She looked in my direction and Lee hit her in the face. He started to apologize and she punched him back.

"Keep your guard up idiot. Anyways, sure Miria. We getting Ino and heading to your place?" I nodded and we were off. We got to the Yamanaka Flower Shop and Ino's mom was at the register. She saw us and automatically called for Ino. Ino ran down and saw us. She smiled and ran over.

"Hey girls! We hanging at Miria's?" We all nodded and we all headed to my place. We got there and mom looked at us.

"So it's our turn to host the party?" We all nodded and headed to mine and Kiba's room. Kiba was sitting there in his boxers and all the girls screamed. I walked in and smacked him.

"Put some fucking clothes on! Holy shit!" He nodded and got dressed.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Need to open the sleepover room remember?" He sighed and I summoned it.

It is a real room, it just moves. It's usually connected to the basement. We have no clue why this happens, it just does. The room appeared and I typed my code in. It was Mimi. Of course.

The door opened and it was a pink room filled with games. We walked in and the door disappeared. I typed in the amount of time we'd be here and we got situated. Ino sat in her flower beanbag. Ten Ten her kunai one. Hinata her blue one. And I sat in my pink dog one. We started to talk and Ino looked at me with a smirk.

"So, heard you and Shikamaru got a thing for each other?" I froze and turned slightly red.

"A-and? It's not like we're dating." they all gasped.

"What!? You mean he hasn't made his move?" Ino had such a big mouth sometimes.

"No." I blushed even worse and started to fiddle with my fingers. Ino got these stars in her eyes.

"I know what we should do this time!" I automatically felt this tug in my stomach and a voice in my head telling me to hide and not come out for a week. "Let's get Shika to ask Miria out!" Yup, time to hide. I began to creep away but Ten Ten grabbed me and dragged me back.

"First things first!" Hinata seemed into this. What was with her today?

"Make up!"

"Hell no!!!"

"Hell yes." I glared at Ino.

"You know I wear eyeliner and mascara."

"You need blush, lips stick, and we need to do your nails and hair." I took a step back. I really didn't wanna.

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