Chapter 3

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Miria's POV

Kiba came in the room and saw that he was interrupting something.

"S-sorry. I'll leave you two alone now." And with that closed the door behind him.

"Anyway, Miria I love you" Shikamaru was staring at me, leaning in slightly. My eyes were huge. His lips touched mine. He was kissing me. I almost melted to the ground, a big puddle of happiness. I kissed him back. When we parted I looked at him.

"I love you too Shika" I wasn't gonna let this chance slip by me. He smiled.

"Wanna come over tonight?"

"Sure" I said and went to talk to tell mom. I walked out and mom yelled.

" Miria don't forget you PJ's and toothbrush! Don't forget your manners home this time! The Hyuuga's won't stop telling me how disrespectful you were when you spent the night there for Hinata's slumber party!"

"Hey Neji started it. He called Ino a weak daisy that could easily be trampled by a ladybug. I was defending my friend." I responded.

"Doesn't mean it wasn't disrespectful" Hana commented.

"Damn it all" I said as I grabbed my stuff.

"How did you guys know?" Shikamaru asked.

Shikamaru's POV

"Damn it Kiba learn how to stop spying now give me the damn picture before I neuter your sorry ass with a kunai! And you told mum I was gonna spend the night at Shika's? You are such a dick!" We heard them from downstairs.

"Oh" I went a little red.

"They do this every year on their birthday. She goes to a boy's house to spend the night, even when it's a girls, and she snaps at him" Tsume told me.

"Oh" I was on one note right now, wondering what else Kiba told her.

"Holy shit Miria put the kunai away! I didn't tell them you two were dating! Mum would kill him! Holy shit! Okay here's the pic! Don't kill me!" Kiba yelled. I almost died at Kiba's words.

"Kiba you dick! You yelled that! And we aren't dating! He hasn't even asked me out yet! You're gonna get him killed for no reason!" I yelled. I felt slightly relaxed.

"Well he asked you to spend the night at his house! The walk there can count as a date if you stop somewhere to eat you psycho bitch!" I tensed at that thought.

"Holy shit you're right! Damn it mum's gonna kill him!" I thought I could feel two sets of daggers stabbing into my back. I turned my head to see Tsume and Hana glaring at me, teeth and fists clenched.

'I'm so dead' I thought before Miria got downstairs.

Miria's POV

"We're leaving before you two kill him. Kiba's gonna walk with us." I said, Kiba on my heels, along with Mimi and Chikaru.

"Oh. Well that's okay then" Mum said with a smile. She went over to Shikamaru.

"You touch my daughter in any inappropriate ways I will castrate you." Shikamaru looked like he was gonna shit his pants.

"Mum please!" I said, a bright red blush sneaking it's way on my face.

"Just wanted to warn him." Mum said with a smile.

"Whatever. You are such a troublesome mother." I said and walked out with Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru, Mimi, and Chikaru. When we got to Shika's house in was dark, because we had to walk through the park, cause Mimi ran off with Chikaru and Akamaru. Kiba left with Akamaru and Chikaru. Shikamaru and I walked in holding hands.

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