Chapter 22

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Miria's POV

Shikamaru and his team left to go to avenge Asuma's death and Naruto and his team just went out to back them up. I was told to stay in the village, for an hour.

"If Shikamaru saw you just randomly show up he'll be infuriated. I want you to go and stay hidden and help when you can okay?" I nodded and after an hour I was out to help. Mimi was well enough to come now and her puppies were being cared for at the Ninja Animal Hospital with Hana.

We made it to an area where there had been a huge fire and the trees were all dead. Shikamaru had just run off with a silver haired man. I followed and watched in the bushes. Shikamaru was about to die and by the looks of things he did, but the man that was there was soon trapped and blown up.

His 'dead' corpse screamed from the bottom of the pit, something about coming back and killing Shikamaru. Then one more paper bomb and the hole filled in. A deer dug up Asuma's lighter and Shikamaru took it and went back to the others. I followed and soon they were all there and Naruto was passed out.

Those two men, they were part of the Akatsuki, supposed to be the strongest ninja in the land, and they were taken down by a couple of teenagers. Wow. Just wow. I tried to stay quiet but Mimi howled in happiness that they were dead and everyone looked in our direction.

"Mimi. Shhh." I hissed as quietly as I could. She then whimpered loudly. "Mimi!"

"Miria!" I looked up and there was Shikamaru, pissed.


"What are you doing here?!"

"Lady Tsunade sent me behind the others to make sure that if one more-" Mimi barked and thumped her tail, "Sorry Mimi, two more hands/paws were needed we could lend them."

"Were you there the whole time?" Mimi shook her head.

"What she said."

"Where else were you?" Mimi looked towards the woods were the silver-haired Akatsuki member was defeated.

"What she said."

"You followed me when I was fighting Hidan?" Mimi nodded.

"What she said." He looked very pissed now.

"Miria! You could have been killed if anything had gone wrong!" I stood and stomped my foot.

"I'm a ninja too Shikamaru! You don't seemed as concerned when the other Kunoichi fight! Why me?"

"You mean the world to me Miria." He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "If I lost you, I don't know what I'd do." I rolled my eyes. Then it happened. I grew wolf ears and tail and dragon wings.

"What the heck!" Ino and Sakura stepped back along with everyone else.

"What?" Shikamaru looked at me. "Miria?" Mimi jumped over and ripped me out of his arms and brought me back to the village and to my house. My mother didn't have to work today and she had just turned the corner to go upstairs and saw Mimi set me on the floor.

"Mimi, Miria!" I barked. That's right. Barked. "Ryu! Get the 'Special' room ready!"


"Miria's in heat!" That's right. Fucking heat. Because I am an Inuzuka and we are very canine like, and being part of the Ryujin line, I go into heat, like an animal. And since I'm human, I have that cycle too. Every two fucking weeks one of them pop up. My human cycle is easy to deal with, the animal ones, I need to be locked up, or else my instincts will kick in and I'll be willing to mate with anyone

That's right, mate. Not sleep with or have sex with, mate. Like a dog! So dad got the room set up and I was thrown in by Mimi. My father had to stay out of my sight and smell range. So I was strutting around, tail in the air, not happy. I barked, howled, roared. Yeah, I end up making dog AND dragon sounds. Awesome right? Wrong! I have to be locked up for seven days! And eat dog food, actually, meat because I end up being like a wolf, not a dog, a wolf. it's all nice and peachy. Until I hear yelling and the door flies open and there stands Shikamaru. Oh dear.

"What's wrong with you Miria? They told me you're in heat." I barked, whimpered, and walked seductively towards him, on all fours. Kiba was behind Shikamaru, and ripped him out and slammed the door. I scratched at it and howled and whined and barked and whimpered and all that good stuff. I was very unhappy. Eventually it opened again, and it was Shikamaru again.

"Shikamaru seriously! She will jump you!"

"No she won't."

"What are you gonna do? Go against her morals?"

"No. I'm gonna just sit in there."

"Bad idea man. You know when a dogs in heat, or a cat's in heat, they turn into a whore."


"Now add that with a dragon!"

"Well..... shit...." But it was too late. I ripped him in and the door shut behind him. I strutted towards him, all cutesie and alluring.

"Miria, down. Down. Back. Sit?" I sat and howled softly. He backed towards the door, but there was no handle or anything on this side of the door. He had corned himself. "Miria, don't do this." I barked and the door was opened and he was pulled out and jumped to the door after it was shut and began to scratch at it.

Shika's POV

"That was close Shikamaru." Kiba said.

"You're telling me. I never knew she got like this. When did this start?"

"A year ago. Something like that."

"Wow, that must suck."

"It does. Because the door has to be moved somewhere we can't hear it at night and someone has to be home on the seventh day for when she finally snaps out of it."

"I see. Do you know what started it?"

"Well, according to dad, Dragon's start later in their life than other animals, and in dog years she'd be around that age so, that's the only thing we have to go on."

"So I'm going to have to deal with that every two weeks?"

"Every four."

"Okay then." Miria howled again.

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