Ch. 8: Picture Time

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He kisses my cheek.

I was a little shocked by his actions and I just sat there frozen for a couple seconds. I could feel my cheeks get warm and so I put my head down so he wouldn't see me.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked, he sounded concerned, it was cute.

"Oh, nothing sorry I just uhm never mind." I continued looking down but you could tell by the sound of my voice that I was smiling.

"No, tell me I wanna know!" He started to smile too.

"It's just I didn't expect you to do that, it made me blush." The words came right out of my mouth, I feel like such an idiot. Why did I say that? Oh yeah, because I'm nervous as hell and it's Shawn flipping Mendes!

"Sorry I couldn't resist, you are just too cute!" I look up at him and he has this adorable smile on his face, was he I'm just going crazy. I laugh at him and he laughs back.

"Oh hey, you should send me those pictures you took!" He says while turning to face me more.

"Oh yeah, of course! Let me just log back into Twitter quick." I unlock my phone but he takes it from me instead.

"Nah, how about this." He does something on my phone before giving it back to me. I realize it's on the messaging screen and the contact name on the top was 'Shawn ♡' so he must have put his number in. It was cute how he put the heart like that. The message that I sent him, or that he sent himself read 'Tori (:'

Not even a second later his phone goes off and he hits the 'Add contact' button. I'm not sure what he put my name as but I didn't care. I just got his number and that was all that mattered to me.

"There, now I have your number and you have mine! I have to meet some fans and then go on stage soon. You can stay back here, the stage is right out there so you will be able to see me, your mom agreed to letting you stay here after the show for a little while. There is someone I want you to meet. But he isn't coming until right after the show." He pointed out towards where the stage was and smiled.

"Okay, sounds good!" I smile back. Who does he want me to meet? I'm guessing it's his manger or something. I still can't believe this is happening! John comes out and tells Shawn that its time to go meet some fans before the show. Shawn gets up and I stay sitting.

"Why don't you come with?" He looks back at me and asks.

"Me? Why?" I give him a puzzled look. I was confused as to why he wanted me to with.

"Because I want people to meet you." He says and flashes a smile before walking again. I get up and follow him. We get into an area where there are about 60 girls and some have their parents with them. They were all in a line. The girls start shouting at Shawn and the body guards tell them to settle down. I stand off to the side until someone yells to me.

"Hey, your that girl!" Suddenly people start to look at me.

"What girl?" I ask. Someone else shouts:

"Oh yeah, my friend told me about you, it was all over twitter and instagram." Another girl said:

"Your the one that Shawn was looking at last night! Omg you are gorgeous! Can I get a picture with you?!" I smile at all of these girls. How do they know me?

One of the body guards came up to me and told me to stand in front of a white canvas. Shawn was looking at me this entire time, smiling. He laughed a couple of times too.

Now it was time for the girls to take pictures with Shawn. The first girl went and she had a huge smile on her face. I always loved seeing pictures of Shawn with fans, although sometimes it made me jealous, but that was before all of this. After she took a couple pictures with Shawn we came up to me.

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