Ch. 14: News

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It was so cute to watch him washing dishes, even thought we had a dishwasher!

"Why didn't you just put them in the dishwasher?" I ask while walking towards him.

"I just like hand washing them." He smiles.

"Oh, well okay." It goes silent as Cam dries off the dishes and I put them away. Suddenly my phone rings, I know it's my phone because 'Drag Me Down' begins to play.

"Oh, who's calling me?" I ask myself while walking into the living room. Cameron follows close behind me. I see that my mom is calling and I hit 'answer'.

"Hi mom! Whats up?" I say cheerfully.

"Hi Tor. Honey we need to talk." Her tone was low, like she has been crying. "Is Cameron by you?" She asks.

"Uhm yeah why?" I ask.

"Keep him close, you are gonna need it. And I know he makes you happy." I turn to him and he must have heard my mom because he takes my hand and we walk to the couch. We sit next to each other and both put our feet on the table.

"Okay, what is it?" I ask, scared of what she would say.

"Tor, your dad and I, w-we-we are getting a divorce." As the words came out of her mouth tears streamed down my face. I feel like my whole word had just shattered into pieces. I had never heard them fight or argue or anything.

"What? Mom, why? You guys never fight." I could barely speak because I was crying so much. Cameron pulled me in close, so my head was on his chest. He kissed my head and rubbed his left hand on my arm. His right hand was holding my right hand.

"We just don't see eye to eye. He is moving out of the state, and your sister will be going with him. You will be here for school and visit him during summer, or holiday breaks." I was speechless. She tells me all of this over the phone? Really? School was starting in eight days.

"Can you give Cameron the phone?" I hand him the phone immediately and start to zone out.

"Hi." He says.

Even though I was right next to him I couldn't focus on what they were saying. I was in so much shock. I kept thinking on what would happen. Where was he going? Why is he moving? Why does my sister get to go with? When did this happen? How long has they been fighting? How did I not see this? I am brought back to reality when Cam reached around to give me a full hug.

"Come on, let's go into the tent and get some sleep." He stands up and takes my hand. We walk outside and into the tent. I still had tears running down my face. I lied down on the pile of blankets and didn't say a word.

"I know this isn't the time to say this, but I'm leaving in a few days." I didn't even look at him. I just cried more. I knew something bad would happen. I knew my life couldn't be this happy. I knew he would have to go sometime.

"Ok." Is all I manage to say. I roll on my side so my back is to him.

"Tori?" He says, almost as if he was asking where I was.

"Yeah Cam?" As I say his name I don't think of him and Cameron Dallas the famous viner and youtuber. I just think of him as a friend. It has only been a few days but still.

"Are you going to be okay?" He sounded so concerned. I turned on my other side and faced him.

"I don't know." I say while wiping my tears away.

"Let's make theses last couple of days the best days ever!" He smiles.

"They already have been." I let out a small smile and sit up.

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