Ch.4: Preparation

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The date it August 12th. There are 2 days left until the Shawn concert and I could not be more excited. Kenna and have been back and forth at each others houses trying to prepare for it. We decided to make two posters but we had to find time to go to the store and get the poster board and markers.

"Hey, wanna go to the store after lunch and get the poster board and markers?" We are both currently on our phones while I have noodles boiling on the stove.

"Yeah, sure." She replies. I put my phone down and drain the noodles and put butter on them.

"Okay it shouldn't be too much money. I'm sure I can pay for it. Is there anything else we need besides poster board and sharpies?" I finish preparing the noodles and put them into 2 bowls and hand Kenna her bowl.

"Uhm...not that I can think of. We can just look around too." She says as she puts a mouthful of noodles into her mouth. We both eat in silence and clean our bowls as we finish. I grab my wallet and put on my converse. Kenna picks up my phone (which I forgot on the table) and gets her phone as well. She puts on her shoes and I yell to my mom that we are going to the store before walking out. The store is about 5 blocks away so it takes a few minutes but it's not that long. We both walk in and say hi to Sam. He works at the store and always gives us a friend discount. He waves at us and we continue to walk towards the office supplies.

"Alright I think we should get white, or that bright orange. We can get thise big fat black sharpies." I say while scanning all the papers for other colors.

"Yeah, seems reasonable. How many? One of each so we can both hold one oorrr...."

"Yeah, that works. What are we going to out on them anyway?" We had talked about putting our twitter names on but what are the chances he will see it.

"I'm just putting something with my twitter name, there is always that small chance that he will see it." She has a point....

"Alright sounds good. Let's go find the sharpies!" I say and do this little jump thing. Kenna grabs the orange poster board and I take a white one. We walk down to the next isle and take the medium sized black sharpies. After checking out we walk back home and spread the paper out across the kitchen floor. My mom walks by and glances at us but doesn't question it. I'm pretty sure she knew what we were doing. Both of out posters say the same thing except mine (the white one) says "Follow me on twitter @/tori12smith" and Kennas has @/kennaraye28.

After about an hour we finally finish them (a long time, I know haha) we decide to watch more movies. We make popcorn as usual and fall asleep shortly after the first movie.

I wake up the next morning I wake up around 7:30 and I look over to see Kenna still sleeping, it's weird but I just go with it. I sit on my phone for nearly an hour until my mom comes out of her room. She tells me how my dad stayed at work overnight and slept in his work truck so he could take the morning shift like normal.

"Is Kenna still sleeping?" My mom asks. She knows how Kenna always gets up early and seemed just as confused as I was.

"Yeah, weird huh?"

"Very, how long did you stay up last night?" She walks over to the other side of the bed near Kennas side. She leans in and puts her hand on her forehead I'm guessing to check if she had a fever. I start to get up to go get some orange juice and as I stand up I heat a scream and I turn my head to see my mom on the floor and Kenna laughing her head off.

"Uhhhm what just happened?" I sounded shocked as I asked that.

"Okay haha so haha I have been awake the hahahha whole time and so when mom came over here I opened my eyes and I guess I scared her!" I started laughing just by hearing what happened. Kenna had a hard time talking because she was laughing so hard. Good times, good times.

After that little incident we all ate breakfast. My sister got up to so I made pancakes. We had strawberries and whipped topping with them. My favorite. Eventually my sister finished eating and went to the neighbors house. She goes there everyday, some 9 year old lives their but I forget her name...I think it's Lilly. But anyway, I ask my mom about the concert, like the details and things.

"So Mom, you are driving us there right? And picking us up?" I look to my mom and she give me the "one minute" finger as she finshed chewing.

"Yeah we will leave here around 3 and get there by 4, but we will stop somewhere and get food so you will be there by 4:30-4:45 and it starts at 7 but it takes a long time to get seats and things and if you are on the floor you have to get there before they start filling in the seats." Oh god. Thinking about all of this makes me nervous.

"Will we get squished?" Kenna kinda gives my mom a 'please say no' look.

"Well if you have posters people are going to push you to the back but Tor is tall so stay by her and it will be fine." Wow mom, thanks for putting the pressure on me.

For the rest of the day we make a checklist of everything we need for tomorrow.

"Do we have everything ready for tomorrow? Lets go through the list one more time." As the words came out of my mouth it really hit me that all of this was happening TOMORROW.


"OMG TOR I KNOW IT IS A DREAM COME TRUE. BUT THERE IS NO TIME TO FANGIRL, WE NEED TO GET PREPARED!!" I have never seen her scream so much, except for one time when she broke her foot but that was different.

"Okay okay okay okay, lets go through the list one more time!" I take a piece of paper and read aloud the things on it.

"Posters?" "Check" Kenna says check as she puts the things onto the kitchen table.

"Sharpies" "Check"
"Notepad" "Check"
"String backpacks" "Check"
"Water bottles" "In the fridge"
"Partable phone chargers" "Ipone one, Check, android one, Check"
"Money" "I have 40, you have 40, check"
"Waterproof mascara" "Check"
"Okay what else do we need, I feel like we are missing something...HOLY SHIT THE TICKETS, where did we put them?!" I was just about to flip out when my mom came in.

"Looking for these?" She waves the tickets around in her hand.

"Omg mom thank you. I almost died." Again

"Nah nah nah nah nah, not so fast. Kenna never gave me a proper thank you." My eyes dart to Kenna as she runs up and gives my mom a hug. She then takes the tickets from my mom and places them on the table while saying

"Tickets, Check!"

*skipping ahead to the next morning*

A/N: again a boring chapter and I'm sorry but the next ones are really getting into the story so they will he better I promise! Thank you to everyone who is reading this! I love you! Please continue to Read, Comment, and Vote! Tell your friends!

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