Chapter 5

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Just a short filler chapter

Since Christen and Julie worked it out, Morgan was glad to see Julie back to her normal self but more happier Julie. The team was super relieved after they found out Christen and Julie was back to normal. Only people who knew about them was Kelley, Morgan, and Tobin.

Tobin caught them kissing in the locker room which they thought they were alone but Tobin forgot her cleats, she went back. Tobin told them she won't tell anyone and they were relieved. 

Now they were having a big time tonight and the team were in the bus on their way to the rivalry's school. 

"Julie?" Christen whispered. Julie hummed to let her know she's listening. "What are we?" she asked. "Anything you want us to be." she looked at Christen. 

"I don't want to hide it anymore." Julie was surprised to heard that. She was expecting it but not this soon.

"You sure about this? We don't have to rush it and all respect for you, I can wait until you're ready to come out an-" 

"Julie. I am ready and I want to do this. Beside I don't do a secret relationship."

Julie smiled. "Be my girlfriend?" Christen leaned in for a kiss, not caring if their teammates were there. "I will take that as a yes." Julie looked at her.

"OH I WAS RIGHT! GIMME $5, HAO!" Sydney shouted and Heather groaned and gave her a 5 bill.

"Did you guys bet on us?" Christen asked them. Heather shrugged. "Yeah because we noticed you guys were acting like a sickly couple. I figured you are't coming out until next week but Syd think you will coming out in less a week and half soo.... yeah."

Julie laughed and Christen was in Julie's neck to hid her blushing. 

"Hey Tobin!" Ashlyn shouted from the back of the bus with Ali sitting next to her. "When will you stop to be coward and ask her out?!" Tobin sulked into the seat, trying to hide her red face. Alex pursed her lips into a flat line. Ali slapped her arm, telling her to shut up. 

"Tobin? who is she talking about?" Alex asked her. Tobin gulped. Tobin liked her for years and she never had courage to tell her. 

"No one. It's just I never have been in a relationship and Ash finds it funny." Tobin lied. Alex knew she was lying but wasn't going to push her. Alex sighed and nodded. She wished it's her, not someone else. Alex liked her, and she thought she was out of her league. 

"Alex, I'll go with Kelley. Is that okay?" Alex nodded then sighed. Alex got up and asked Hope if she can talk with Kelley for a while. Hope nodded then sat next to Carli.

"Kelley, I need to tell you something." Alex looked at Kelley. "Let me guess. You like Alex?" Kelley smirked. "Tobin, everybody know, it was oblivious and dude, Alex like you back, she always had." Kelley whispered that no one can heard them. 

"How can you know?" Tobin was afraid to be reject by the girl she always love. "Find it out by asking her out." Kelley pushed her off the seat by using her feet. Tobin glared at her then processed got up. 

"Hey Alex." Tobin took her seat next to her and Alex replied by smiled at her. 

"So.. I was wondering..." Tobin stopped. It's now or never, she thought to herself. She took a deep breath. "if you want go to out on a date with me?" Tobin shyly smiled at her, was super nervous what will her answer be.

Alex stared at her, not sure if Tobin was playing but Tobin never would do that to her. "As a date?" Alex said. 

Tobin nodded. "As a date." 

"Yes I would love to." Alex smiled. "Gosh, Tobs. I've always liked you and I never thought you will ask me out." Alex grabbed her and kissed her cheek.

"You had no idea either." Tobin smiled. 

"OKAY WHO ELSE ARE DATING IN THIS TEAM?!" Heather shouted. "Okay, that's it? It's Ali and Ash, then Julie and Christen, and now Tobin and Alex finally, it took them forever." Meghan said. 

"Oh Tobin and Alex? Really? I thought they're already dating." their coach, Abby found it surprising because they were really close and she thought they were more than a friend. Everybody laughed at Alex and Tobin, and they were blushing. 

"Wow, it's a crazy day." Julie said, looking at Christen who was playing with Julie's hand on her lap. 

"Good thing is we didn't take that long as much as Tobin and Alex did." Christen chuckled.

"I heard that!" Alex shouted. They laughed at her.

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