It's a Cruel World

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True Story


I suspect most of you are going to feel sorry for me or think I'm insane after reading my story, but I'm gonna tell it anyway.

My name is Hannah and I live with my older brother and mother in Wisconsin. My dad died when I was 13 years old and my dog was hit and killed by a FedEx truck during the same year. I don't have the ideal life, in fact my life is just plain crap, but it's the little things that make it all better.

My father and dog have been dead for over three years, but I can honestly say that they aren't gone. Every now and again if I'm patient enough, I can sit in my living room, with all the lights off and my eyes closed, and hear my dog barking outside in my front yard. If I open my eyes though or move around I will be forced to live through my dogs death. It's creepy! If I open my eyes some unseen force, makes me look through the window and watch a FedEx truck zoom past crushing my dogs beneath its wheels. After that it all vanishes.

Also whenever I'm feeling extremely upset or lonely, or mostly after I have been crying, something happens. I can feel somebody brushing my hair with their fingers. Then I can smell the distinct odor of my daddy's hair spray and all of a sudden he tells me it'll be okay. After that it all quickly vanishes.

I've only told my mom about these happenings and she put me in therapy. I'm still in therapy today and it really isn't helping. Actually it's making everything worse. My dog doesn't come around anymore and my dad has visited only three times since I've began therapy. What I'm really trying to say is that it's a darn cruel world and there's never really any end to it.



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