Tilly.. Tilly

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true story


There once was a little girl named Tilly. She was only 8 years old  and this was at a time when people lived in little cottages. There was  no electricity back then, just candles for light.

One misty night Tilly's mother was
  reading her a story. After it was over Tilly immediately said, "Mama oh  I must declare you have the most beautiful voice ever, please read me  another one!"

Tilly's mom was flattered so she read another one.  As the night passed, it was Tilly's bedtime. "Okay Tilly, it is your  bedtime, now go up to your room." Tilly protested, "Mama wait please,  read me another one!" "No Tilly." "MAMA!", Tilly whined.

"Tilly  go to your room now!", her mother snapped. Tilly's room was the only one  upstairs and it was 17 steps to reach the top floor.

There were  no lights in Tilly's room and she ran to her bed and threw herself  under the covers. She then drifted off to sleep. She waked up late at  night and heard, "Tilly I'm on the first step." Tilly thought it was her  mom. It got higher and higher and finally when whatever it was reached  the 9th step, Tilly got scared. She counted to three and yelled "MAMA!"  She heard no noise or response.

Her throat felt like it was  stuffed, she couldn't scream. She yelled again, still no sound. Tilly  threw herself under the covers and then it said "Tilly, I'm in your  room." She lifted up her covers slowly to see what was awaiting.

*** (Many years later)
  The little children were all gathered on an old ladies porch. Everybody  said she was one of the oldest women EVER. The little children loved  hearing the old woman's stories. She loved to tell the one about Tilly.  And oh how the children would laugh and giggle.

This old woman's name was Amanda.... And you probably know that Amanda is often a popular nickname for Tilly.



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