in pain!

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I grabbed his hand gently. "Why? Why is it bleeding? Does it hurt? " I said panicking. Suddenly, he moved his hand away from me; I immediately started to cry, I can't stand it when he's in pain and he's not even letting me help him. On the other hand, I am so glad I am not wearing any makeup today otherwise I would of looked like a monster with all this crying.

"GET OUT" he shouted.
"Get out now!" He growled while smashing a glass bottle on the floor. I didn't react, i just grabbed his hand again and started to blow on it, I mean, that's what I see people doing right?
He just kept on staring at me, not saying a word.

Next, I ran to the first aid kit which was on top of the sofa. Haroon didn't say a word, he's really angry at me but I can't do anything!
" I'll go but first sit down, please I am begging you to sit down" I said hoping for him to obey my instructions.
He slowly walked to the chair like a zombie and sat down.
I kneeled down on the floor in front of him and took out some kind of sharp tool to take broken glass out of his wounds. He hissed in pain causing my heart to burn. My hands were shaking but I tried all my best to heal him.

Next, I took the bandage out and started to wrap it around his hand, slowly my fingers touched his cold hand and for a second I felt happy so I took my time and wrapped the bandage around Haroon's hand extremely slowly. The truth is I was enjoying it. When I finished, I looked at Haroon, his eyes were sparkling with tears and his lips were white. When he looked at me, it felt like he was the rain which fell just for me...

"Ugh, you're making me do all kinds of haram things now!" I said to break the silence.
" I didn't make you." He said softly.
Haroon reached his hand out to my face and gently touched my cheeks! His hands were ice cold as usual but this time they were shaking. I looked into his eyes, he opened up all his feelings for a second. I could see that he was tired, tired of everything. He loves me so much! He loves me but I am hurting him, I am hurting both of us.

"I am drunk but you're not even shouting at me!?" He growled.
"It's my fault! So....I'll let you off just for today and I'll pray to Allah and ask him to forgive you and help you" I replied.
"Ha. So you do know what you're doing to me!" He explained.
Suddenly, I held my head in pain. It was burning hot. I finally remembered that I had a fever and didn't even buy any medicine!

Haroon touched my head gently and looked at me with anger then he stood up and went to the kitchen. As quick as a flash, he came back with a small bottle of medicine.

"Take this and go!" He said and stumbled upstairs slowly. My brain was telling me to go but my heart told me to go upstairs. Upstairs there were a lot of rooms so I opened the door to one of them and surprisingly Haroon was there.
I saw bottles and cans all over the place, pictures of me every where! I also saw Haroon, he was in bed with his eyes closed. How can he sleep as quick as a flash! I mean it's not like I am not happy for him getting a rest and finally not thinking about me but I just wanted to look at his eyes, I wanted to look at the eyes that made me fall in love!
Oh well, I'll just have to clean this mess up.

I picked up all the cans and bottles from the floor and carried them downstairs to the rubbish bin.
Next, I picked up all the broken stuff and threw them away. Finally, I took his shoes off; took his tie out and put the cover on him so he sleeps nice and warm. I felt happy doing this and I now know that I love seeing him sleep. Haroon looks like a little child when he sleeps and that handsome face was giving me lots of harmful thoughts but I shook them away as usual. I LOVE YOU my heart was screaming.

Then I turned the light off and walked out of the house......

I went home and cried my self to sleep, I am used to it now, crying. I never knew I could be so weak because of love. I can't survive like this, I need to be strong, I need to help him secretly. help him when he's hurt and when he can't handle me acting like i hate him, he's convinced that i hate him so i am not going to worry about my acting now. Hahahaha! I feel like I've loved him for years! It's not like I can't live without him! Hajar, sleep without thinking please, I know that you're hurt but you seriously don't want to look like a panda with those dark circles. Oh shuushh there is always concealer. Great, I am now talking to myself.
At least I forgot him for a second.

Suddenly, a nasheed woke me up. It was my ringtone. It was Haroon.
I went to the living room to not wake everyone up then I quickly answered his call.
"Hajar!" He said crying, crying so much. He just cried and cried and kept on crying. "I want my eyes to be your prison, so that you can never leave me.........but you don't even want to look in to my eyes, you hate me! How am i supposed to live now! How....."he screamed. I cried with him and we kept on crying until he decided to stop the call, then I decided to pray all night because I couldn't sleep....

Haroon's POV
I woke up in an extremely clean and tidy room. Hajar did it!
I remembered everything. The way she looked at me yesterday, a look of love! If she hates me then why would she heal me!
She said she hates me so what's the point of thinking about her weird actions, she always does that, she always makes me think that she cares about me when it's actually the opposite. She hates me.

I quickly went to the bathroom took the quickest shower in the world, then I brushed my teeth had breakfast and drove to college.
"Sorry, I am late." I said as I walked into my business class.
I sat next to Shayaan as usual, then Hajar came in,
" I am sooo sorry am late, I don't know what happened to my alarm and..and....." She explained.
"It's okay Hajar just sit down i have wonderful news for the class!" The teacher explained.

Hajar sat down next to Aaminah.

"Sooo, we are starting this project where you gain your confidence to do business with people. Haroon already knows a lot about this because he's working at a huge company! You are going to go in groups and plan a meeting with the manager of the Newman hospital In London to decrease the amount of money paid for treatment for poor people!" The teacher explained.

"This is an excellent way to learn and have a better job! The feedback i get from Newman hospital about you will determine whether you fail or pass your business class!" She continued. " the first group is Shayaan Ahmed, Haroon khan, Hajar Amin and Aaminah Hussain!"
I was suprised, how was i going to survive the next few weeks with Hajar everyday! She hates me so how are we going to work together! Stupid teacher why does she have to do this to me! Why do I think that this group was planned?

After the teacher stopped explaining, we all sat in our groups. Hajar was now in front of me.

She was beautiful as usual but her mesmerizing smile wasn't there.
Whenever i look into her eyes i see pure beauty with no disguise, just a glance at her makes my heart beat rise, i know for a fact that these feelings aren't lies.
Whenever i look into her eyes i escape into a different world full of happiness and joy... Full of love.
Basically there is Paradise in her eyes.

"So first of all we need to plan what everyone's doing, for example, Hajar and Haroon could do the PowerPoint presentation and me and Shayaan could do the speech!" Aaminah explained.
"Exellent idea" shayaan said.
Me and Hajar didn't say a word.

I got the computer out of my backpack and searched Newman hospital on Google. Hajar came and sat next to me to see what I was doing. I clicked a link and the website came up. It had lots of information and an introduction to the hospital written by the boss.
"Awww that girl's so cute!" Hajar said pointing at an image with a girl and a doctor besides her.
"Can we please concentrate!" I growled.
"Sorry Mr khan" she replied.
Suddenly, I remembered all the memories we had together when I looked into her eyes and called her flower, when I took her to Palestine and she started crying because of the poor children; when we went to the park and we asked each other questions; when it was her birthday and she gave me the key to her heart! I remembered everything.
How could a beautiful innocent girl even know how to hate! Something's wrong and I need to find out what the truth is. But she hates me, why would she lie about something that kills me and tears my heart apart...........

Authors note
Soon how was this chapter? Please comment and voooote and I am so sorry this is so late!
Also, can you please nominate my book to 'the Muslim book reviews' by MuslimContests
I really want my book to be reviewed by someone to see how I can make it better so pleeeaaase nominate it!
Thank y'all so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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