the park

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"I am ready!" I yelled, running down the stairs tripping several times on my beautiful green and black dress and my black high heel shoes with my beautiful golden hijab!

"Finally! Let's go quickly before were late" my beautiful mum said wearing a simple blue dress and a magical black belt.

"Get in the car! Were gonna be late" my dad shouted wearing a plain white top with a cool blazer, jeans and trainers! My dad is indeed handsome!

We went in the car and drove to the park were Haroon's family is going to be! Aaah! Why am I soo exited?

But, what if i mess up? What if I fall or maybe say something weird?

Inchallah, I am going to be fine, I told myself.

We finally arrived. We walked away from the car and saw Haroon sitting down with his family on the grass having a picnic. It seems like he was looking for someone. We walked closer to them.

"Assalamulaikum" my dad said causing Haroon's family to turn around with big smiles on there faces! Naima stood up and gave me an enormous hug; Haroon's dad stood up and shook my dad's hand; my mum and Haroon's mum hugged each other and quickly started a conversation;Haroon stared at me for a few minutes with the magical smirk on his face and Haroon's brother, Hassan was just munching on the delicious food. Everyone was soo happy!

Haroon looked soo handsome! He was wearing a blue top with a denim jacket! Jeans and cool Nike trainers.

Haroon picked up a slice of a melon and gave it me, "it's your favourite, right?" He said.

" yes! Thank you! How do you know?" I asked confused.

"Oh, Naima told me" he replied with a shy look. I munched up the slice quickly, until I realised that Haroon was staring at me with a smile, I smiled back and ate slowly this time! Eugh, why is he smiling at me, am I amusing or something?

I don't know why? But I have a strange feeling! My heart keeps beating really fast whenever I see Haroon's smile and I just can't describe this feeling!

Weird thoughts come into my head and I can't help but smile when he's around! Please don't tell me I am falling for him! He would never like me! I really need to sort out my feelings and stop liking him! My head started to hurt so I decided to take a walk in the park, I thought and thought and thought until I stopped when Naima said " Hajar! Can you please look for Haroon, I can't find him!"

" Ok" I replied.

"Haroon, Haroon" I shouted. Suddenly out of nowhere, something popped out of the tree next to me!"boo"

"Aaaaaaaaaah" I screamed closing my eyes. to my surprise, everyone started laughing! I opened my eyes only to see Haroon hanging upside down from the tree with his legendary smirk of course.

"HAROON, YOU SCARED ME!" I screamed trying to catch my breath. I looked at his face for a millisecond, mashallah! Even when he's upside down he's still handsome! Astagfirullah! I started laughing at my weird thoughts and Haroon smiled causing my heart to flutter! He jumped to the ground with his great gymnastic skills. I must say he has very long legs! Aaah, Hajar STOP saying weird stuff ! Astagfirullah!

"Haha, you should have seen your face!" He said, I gave him a deadly stare and walked off. That was soo embarrassing! My face is prabably really red right now! Aaah!

I started to walk to calm myself down but then I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and saw Haroon walking behind me, he was looking at the ground with a worried but happy look on his face, " why are you following me!" I said.

"Oh, erm...... I am protecting you, I mean...... what if you get kidnapped!" He replied.

"Hahaha, don't worry, the only one who can kidnap me is you!" I said.

"I.... I am sorry about last time, I am sorry for kidnapping you and I am sorry for shouting at you and getting drunk!" He said with his dreamy eyes.

"You don't need to say sorry, it's not your fault, were in a lot of pain when you were drunk and Aadil shouldn't have done what he did! He needs to be punished! " I said holding back my tears.

", anyway, let's forget about it! Today I want to be happy! " he said with a beautiful smile!

Astagfirullah! First of all, I shouldn't be alone with Haroon but my parents and his parents are watching us so I think that's okey! Secondly, I should STOP saying stuff like that!

I really want to know more about Haroon,

" so, I am going to ask you some questions......." I said, Aaah, Hajar you just ruined the moment.

"That's a great idea! I really want to ask you some questions too!" He said with an exited look.

"Ok, cool! You go first"

"What's you favourite colour"

"Blue, you?"

"Me too! What do you like to do?"

"I like to do anything fun! I like to have adventures and go on holidays, I obviously like to go wild and crazy, I like dancing; singing, although I am really bad at it! Shopping, is not my favourite thing to do but I like it because I am very interested in fashion; I also like to help other people! It's very interesting, and when you help people you get a very nice feeling inside!"I said smiling uncontrollably.

"Haha, your very beautiful, you know that flower"

"Beautiful pffft" i said, my face was extremely red. He thinks i am beautiful! I...i have nothing to say!

"DON'T CALL ME FLOWER! anyway, what do you like to do?"

" I love to play football, I love to play every sport in the world! I also like having adventures, I am very interested in businesses that's why I work in my dad's company but it gets boring sometimes. I like to try new things and explore new places and people! We should go on an adventure some day! With the family of course! "

"Yep, that would be awesome! Your very strange Mr, khan"

"Haha, says you! By the way I love it when you call me that! Oh, Hassans calling me I need to go bye." He said and ran to Hassan.

I ran to Naima and talked for a bit, I saw my mum laughing with Haroon's mum, they are probably going to be best friends now! I also saw my dad talking with Haroon's dad about business of course, they all look like they are getting along I am soo happy! Haroon and Hassan came and sat next to us, we all started making jokes and laughing with each other like crazy people!

Haroon's laugh is just amazing! I need to stop this now!

We all took selfies on each others phones, Haroon told me to take a selfie with him so I made my usual pout (lol), and he made his magical smile! After, it was getting cold so we all said our salams and went home!

Today was great, I just need to stop dreaming about Haroon and hopefully my sleep will be great too!

Author's note

Sooo, I am really really really really sorry for updating very late! I am soo lazy!
Anyways, I hope you like this chapter so don't forget to vote and comment! Next chapter will be great inchallah!

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