love is all around

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I woke up this morning like usual and went to college. " was our  English assignment due in for today?" I asked Haroon.

"No it's not" he said.

"Phew, I haven't done it!"  I replied

" haha, me too" he laughed, with his twinkling dreamy brown eyes.

Suddenly Aadil interrupted the conversation.

"Oh, Hajar can you help me with my English assignment? " Aadil said,

"erm........ I am kinda busy" I said

"Ok, see you later alligator"

"In a while crocodile" I replied.

Then we both laughed exept from Haroon, he looked angry all of a sudden and quickly stormed of. Sigh, if only I could know what he was hiding from everyone.

It was time to go home so I decided to walk with Mariam because her house was near mine.


I was now at home reading the holy Quran when suddenly I got a phone call from Naima.

"Hey, Hajar, I know you might be busy but Haroon is nowhere to be seen and were looking for him everywhere,  if you know anything tell me!" She said breathing heavily.

"Calm down Naima, I will go look for him and if I find out anything I will call you straight away. " I replied.

I need to find Haroon but where could he be? Suddenly, I remembered the mansion that he kidnapped me in. He might be there! Why am I soo worried about him!

I told my mum it was an emergency because my friend disappeared and ran out of the house.


I finally reached the mansion and knocked on the door, nobody answered. I decided to open it even though I was 100% sure it was locked and to my suprise it opened!

I walked in the mansion and saw light coming from a room so I went to it. Shocked,  I saw Haroon sitting down on the floor drinking some kind of liquid.

"Hajar, what are you doing here?" He said with a drunken voice. " Are you drunk?" I asked.

" yep........ I was in a lot of pain and I couldn't take it anymore" he replied, " but when you're around all the pain dissapeares".

He tried to stand up but he fell several times until he finally did it, he walked next to me and pinned me to the wall, I tried to set myself free but even though he was drunk he was still strong. Oh no not again!

" Hajar,  I need to tell you something " he said " I need to tell you about my feelings"

He looked at me with his dreamy eyes again, why does he always look handsome! Our eyes were stuck to each other for a very long moment.  His eyes were amazing!  I could see his feelings he was feeling happy but in them eyes there was alot of pain! I closed my eyes. what is he going to tell me?

" I am sorry I can't" he said " I can't tell you."

"Ok, fine don't tell me but at least tell me why you're so angry when you see Aadil and who is that girl on the picture?" I said " please tell me!"

"Haha, are you jealous?" He said.

"No I am just really curious! Is she your lover?" I asked

"Lover? No she's not" he said

His eyes changed, they were now full of pain and instead of them being brown his eyes were now black and he was struggling to breath, suddenly, he let go of me and fell on the floor. He was breathing heavily and I didn't know what to do!

"" he said. I ran to the nearest table I could see and saw a bottle with some tablets on it so I quickly took one out and gave it to Haroon with some water so he could swallow it. It was silent for a while, all I could hear was Haroon's breathing and my heart beating. "She....... she's my sister, but Aadil ......killed her!" He said.  I was shocked, I didn't understand! I never knew Haroon had another sister and how could Aadil kill her! I had so many questions to ask but I saw Haroon's sad face and decided that it wasn't the right time to ask him. "I ......I am sorry " I said "it's okey!" He replied.

"You need to go home everyone's worried about you!" I said changing the topic.

" well, I am drunk so I can't walk proparly so you need to give me a piggyback! " he said

" haha very funny. Now get up and go home on your own" I said, I walked to the door. "Byyee" I said.  "NO, wait" he screamed. " I forgot were my house is"

"Eugh, fine I'll take you" I said. "Come on".

He tried to stand up and stumbled to the door.

" I can't walk" he said " help me"

" ok fine just put your arm around my shoulder and I'll drag you home, but this is the only time I do this" I said, when he heard me a huge grin appeared on his face and his eyes were twinkling again. I smiled at him and then he put his arms around my shoulder, we walked out if the house while Haroon was groaning because of the pain.........

We finally arrived to Haroon's house, he was staring at me the whole way, it was so awkward but it was a beautiful feeling.  I couldn't stop smiling! We knocked on the door and Haroon's brother opened it. " Haroon we were so worried about you, thank you for bringing him home!" He said.

I turned around to look at Haroon and saw him sleeping!

" erm...... his kind of drunk so you need to drag him to his room"

"Hajar...........Hajar............ stay" I heard Haroon say while he was sleeping.

"Can you please take him to his room while I tell everyone that Haroon is ok" Haroon's brother said.

"Ok..... sure" I replied.

I dragged Haroon up the stairs while he was groaning and moaning and repeating my name again and again. He is soo heavy! I finally reached his bedroom and layed him gently on his bed, took of his blazer and socks and put the blanket on him. I was about to go when he quickly grapped my arm. " Hajar" he said.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, goodnight" he looked at me one last time and fell into a deep sleep. I went home and went to sleep straight away. ......
Authors note

Sorry for the long wait but I am back I don't have an excuse so I am just going to say sorry, anyway,  how was this chapter? Aadil is a murderer! What will happen to Hajar and what will happen in the next chapter?

Don't forget to vote and comment

Oh and everyone go follow miloshah because she's just amazing and she's been supporting me since the beginning so yeah.

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