Now I remember

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Kaea's P.o.v

~~Dream/ Flash back~~
" Girls come down" A raspy strong yet sweet and soft familiar voice called. As soon as I heard that I stopped looking at the beautiful pin in my hair that once belonged to my mother and walked down the stair case. I saw my family all together. I was about to say something before I was pulled to the couch by my Eldest sister..... Tori. I know it's her by the way her long dark lushes hair flows behind us as we run to the couch. I found myself sitting in-between Tye and Tori.

As Tori put her hand behind me a beautiful lady walked in behind us and spoke " Everybody knows where we're going correct" Everyone nodded then I remembered this day. My least favourite day. The day I lost everybody I have ever cared about. "yes' we all chirped in unison as we looked at our darling mother. She looked so beautiful with the sparkles in her eye and the dimple that showed every time she smiled. " Alright then everyone get ready so we can go." she chimed. We all got up and my mother took my hand and we made our way up stairs to my room. I never remembered our house being this big but then again dad is a general in the fire nation army just like grandpa. My mother sat me down and stated to brush my hair then she sang

Can we go to the twisting rivers and the lushes valleys
With all my family & friends around me
Will the fire burn bright, and give us some light
will the air blow softly on my checks
and the turtle ducks squeak with their beaks
wishes come true even for a week
As the air earth fire and water come together
Everything seams to get better
For the tale of the lovers and are old letters
Family makes it no matter the time or the weather"

As my mother finished the song I couldn't help but fiddle with the beautiful red kimono I was wearing then my sister walked in. I know it was her because it was looking at myself just with really black hair and brown eyes. She looked at me and smiled. The last time she ever smiled
and spoke to me " Ha ha mom got me ready first." She said. ...twin.....kaida. " Will you two stop" Our mother said. She handed us our bags and bid dad Tori and Tye goodbye .The last thing I remember until I woke up to this noise.

Kaida's P.o.v
"Why do I have to meditate again gran-father" I asked with curiosity high in my voice " why not" he replied with his eyes still close. " Well what's the point of doing something if there isn't a straight away benefit" I stated " He got up and moved to the door " Kaida sometimes the best things in life you need to wait for and setting and pondering in silence is a great way to keep you ready for the satisfactory of waiting. " He explained. I still don't believe it " Prove it" As soon as I said that I felt heat that missed but looked so beautiful. when I turned my head I saw grand mother releasing from a fire bending stance." Your grand father is right patience is important. Without it we would not be able to get fire just right in the right direction." she concluded. "Now go to bed you have to go to the palace tomorrow "Gran instructed "of course , good night " I said I took a shower and got into my clothes for bed after I brushed my teeth. As I began to fall asleep all I could do is think of my mothers voice. It just seemed to put me to sleep. Then I just dozed off.

~~Dream flash back~~
I was walking down the hall and I heard mom sing my favorite song. I stayed at the door until she was done. Next thing you know Mom, Kaea and I were on our way to the .... the palace. " You two know where you are suppose to go " Mom said in a sad smile. I know exactly where I am suppose to go. I look over and I see Kaea looking outside, as if she had no idea what is about to happen.Just then the coachman pulled up to the castle. We were immediately greeted by Zuko, Azula and Miss Ursa. Of course before mother left with Miss Ursa after she told me and Kaea that Someone was going to drop us of at our grandparents. I left with Azula because I never knew where Kaea went, I assume with Zuko. Azula was guiding to where she, Ty lee and Mai were siting. When I joined them I just took a spot next to Mai and watch Azula and Ty lee, and then just as I was about to get up I see Zuko without my sister. I look so confused . When I was about to go and ask Zuko where my sister was, Miss Ursa came. " Kaida it's time I take you to your grandparents" she said " b-but what about Kaea and m-mom" I stammered. Before Miss Ursa even told me anything we were already on our was to grandma and grandpa. I remember being angry and not talking for the rest of the day.

~~End of Dream/ Flashback~~
"Kaida, Kaida .... Time to get up" I hear grandmother call. I remember now... Wait a minute is .. is that tea I smell.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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