Chapter One

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It starts out innocently enough, not something she thought she should be worried about. She's a well established and esteemed actress after all, Regina is used to people fawning over her, enjoys it most of the time. The letters hadn't been concerning at first, talking about how much he adores her, the occasional bouquet of flowers delivered to her at the studio, trinkets he says reminds him of her. All signed in the same manner, "You're most devoted fan". In the beginning she doesn't think too much of it. But gradually things began to shift and suddenly the letters weren't so well meaning. In the last several weeks they had taken a decidedly darker turn, no longer flattering but almost violating. They've turned into monologues of his thoughts, what he wishes he could do with her.

Despite the troublesome sense of deja vu they bring her, Regina has fairly thick skin and probably would have ignored them and hoped they would stop once her admirer lost interest. Even with how uncomfortable the notes make her it's not until they start arriving at her home that she becomes truly concerned that the situation is going too far. Every time one arrives it makes her skin crawl and she's not always quick enough to catch them before Henry finds one. How does one explain the unwelcome notes and flowers to one's ten-year-old son? Ultimately that is what had done it, what had forced Regina to seek out help in the matter. She would not let this affect Henry in any way.

So Regina finds herself sitting across from this man. His name had been at the top of everyone's recommendation list when she'd casually brought up the fact she was looking for a new bodyguard with several of her costars and friends. They face each other from opposite couches in her sitting room studying one another. He looks out of place is all she can think, with his jeans and hoodie beneath a leather jacket, the scruff on his face leaning just a tad toward unkempt. He doesn't fit within the stark white and black décor and clean lines of her home. Perhaps this isn't such a great idea after all.

The pair simply stare at one another for several more seconds before Robin finally breaks the silence. "So why don't you tell me why I am here, milady?"

She blinks at him. "Is that not rather obvious, Mr. Locksley? I am in need of a new bodyguard and from what I've heard of your reputation you are the top man in the field. I want the best."

Robin smirks at her. "Well I am certainly the best, Ms. Mills, you are correct in that. And I have quite a bit of experience with those in the entertainment business, among others..." he trails off, thinking of his thieving past and the trouble it's gotten him into in the past. He'd been skilled enough at stealing to know how to read a situation and he is positive he hasn't gotten the full story here yet. He'd rather be blunt and to the point than dance around the elephant in the room. "I am excellent at reading people, Ms. Mills, and you haven't told me all there is yet. So if you wish for me to work for you then you are going to have to be honest with me." Robin pauses as surprise flickers through her eyes and his expression grows serious. "Something has you spooked, I can see it. Now are you going to tell me what it is so I can help or shall I simply leave?"

Is she being that transparent? It's true that she has yet to tell him the primary reason for his being here, but Regina had thought she had been hiding her concern fairly well. Apparently not though. This is the moment of truth, she has to decide if she is willing to trust this man with her life, and more importantly her son's life. Though she doesn't know him, has only just met him ten minutes prior there is a part of her that trusts him. She can't say what it is but some part of her is screaming for her to tell him everything, that this is a man who will keep her safe. She's not quite that desperate yet though so she sighs and begins with, "I have been getting some notes..."

"Is it not normal for someone in your profession receive that type of thing on a regular basis?" he interjects and Regina narrows her eyes at him.

"That is true, yes, but these are different, they aren't your typical fan mail. And usually all of that goes through the studio," She pauses for a moment, contemplating how quickly the letters had escalated in the last few months. "In the beginning they did. However, now they are arriving here and I do not feel comfortable with the tone of the letters, especially when I have to try to intercept them before my son gets ahold of them."

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