Chapter Fifteen

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Regina sits on her couch, wrapped snugly in a warm blanket with Henry practically glued to her side. Her body is somewhere between an adrenaline high and state of shock, confused by the waves of emotions coursing through her. She's safe now. Safe. Has to remind herself over and over again, repeats the word like a mantra in her head, pulling Henry a bit more tightly against her and breathing in his familiar scent.

He'd leapt into her embrace the second she'd gotten home, running out of the house to wrap his arms around her in a fierce hug. One Regina had welcomed immensely, nearly bursting into tears to have her baby boy back in her arms. He'd been so scared, so worried, had bombarded Regina with a million questions her mind couldn't even begin to process until Robin had suggested they let her rest for a bit. Henry had then proceeded to rather sweetly fuss over her once inside.

The police hadn't been far behind them, only allowing her to leave that wretched studio at Robin's insistence that she not be forced to stay in the place she'd been held captive a minute longer than necessary. And she's been talking to them ever since they arrived here. Going through every detail of the last thirty-six hours. Over and over and over again. There had been questions. Lots of them. Why hadn't they brought the letters to the police to begin with? Why not report it to them once Robin had realized she'd been missing? How had Robin found them? How exactly had Glass ended up with a bullet in his chest?

It had been endless. And she and Robin had answered them all. Repeated everything that had happened for the last few months to anyone who asked. There's not much point in keeping it quiet now. The press is sure to get wind of the police report, of the fact that Regina had killed one of the crew members on her film in self defense. She can just imagine the headlines now, cringing at the thought. Nothing they can do to prevent it unfortunately.

This time she's not alone, though. Robin is here to stand beside her. Regina knows he will do whatever is in his power to keep the story as quiet as possible (even if that's not much and more than likely futile), and to shield her and Henry from the brunt of it.

Her gaze lifts from the bowl of shiny, red apples on the coffee table to meet Robin's as he enters the room, his eyes display a mixture of fear and relief upon seeing her sitting there. And that vice-like grip around her heart loosens a bit at the sight of him. He's safe too. Regina sends up a silent prayer of thanks that the man she loves is okay and alive and history had not repeated itself today. Tension radiates from him but he gives her a brief smile as he walks nearer. There's a steaming cup of tea in his hands and he offers it to her with a tight smile as Regina mutters her gratitude. The warm liquid scolds her throat as she swallows a sip, but it's a welcome comfort.

"Everything's all taken care of. The police don't need any more information from you and I just finished up with them and sent the officers on their way. So we have the house to ourselves again." he tells her quietly, aware of Henry's attentive gaze on both of them, flickering between his mother and Robin.

"Right. Good. Thank you." Regina cups the mug between her palms, letting the heat seep through her skin, quietly hoping it can reach her bones as well. She's still rather shaky now that she's had a moment to breath, welcomes the comfort that Robin and Henry's presence bring her. "Did they say anything else?"

He shakes his head, "Only that they would be in touch if something new comes up. They believe us. We have the security camera footage and there's enough evidence in that studio to prove he's the one who's been stalking you. The gun was registered in his name. It's pretty much an open and shut case for them." He pauses, eyes darting toward Henry and back to Regina's own before continuing, "Things might get a little crazy around you for awhile though. The press are going to have a field day, will be badgering you with questions, cameras. We can keep them off your property, but there's only so much we can do elsewhere."

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