Chapter Seven

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Regina makes her way up to her room, spends the night tossing and turning in bed, memories of Robin's hands sliding over her body, of his tongue teasing hers clouding her mind. Her rather valiant attempts to ignore the fact he's sleeping just down the hall from her and how easy it would be to slip into bed with him failing spectacularly.

As a result of her sleepless night, Regina is cranky and irritable the following morning and absolutely nothing has changed. She and Robin had kissed yes, had slipped up, but any sort of personal relationship between them is completely out of the question. It's not practical, not to mention the idea scares the hell out of her. Not that Regina will admit that to herself or Robin.

So she ventures downstairs the next morning with her anxiety levels at an all time high and mind going a mile a minute. What is he going to say? Will he bring it up? He's going to want to talk about it, I know it. I should never have let him into our lives, even if I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. Regina's thoughts swirl round and round in her head.

Stopping short when she reaches the living room the sight that greets her melts her heart. The boys are all curled up on the couch watching a movie together. Roland lies on his side stretched out along the couch with his head pillowed on Robin's lap, his father reclining back into the cushions with his feet on the ottoman, and Roland's tiny fingers curled around the material of Robin's jeans as he watches Woody and Buzz bicker on screen. Her son is curled up next to them, Robin's arm wrapped around Henry's shoulders keeping him close as they watch the characters on screen.

None of them notice Regina standing in the doorway and she takes a moment to absorb how sweet the three of them look together, feels her heart fall just a bit more for the man casually spending the morning with their children. How is she suppose to guard her heart from him when everything he does pulls at her? For a brief moment, she lets herself consider the possibilities of this being their reality, of lazy Sundays as a family and cuddling together on the couch, of spending the day with their sons before curling up in Robin's arms at night. The image is so beautiful it breaks Regina's heart it's not in the cards for them.

Of course Robin's eyes rise and meet her own at that moment, emotions swimming in the dark orbs as they connect with his bright, steady blue ones. And Regina feels like weeping, curses whatever she has done to deserve the cruelty life has brought upon her, the result of which is now keeping her from this man. She wants this. Wants him. Yet, she can't have either.

It's clear from the look in Robin's eyes he can see right into her soul, has no trouble whatsoever spotting each and every one of her fears and insecurities. The truth in that is what makes her worry she won't be able to keep him from continuing to chip away at the fort around her heart now that he's glimpsed the woman she keeps hidden away from the world, now that he knows how much she wants him.

Before her heightened emotions can get the better of her Regina turns quickly around and heads for the kitchen, tells herself she doesn't want to disturb their viewing of Toy Story but the truth is she's just running from her feelings, again.

Robin stares after Regina's retreating form, tries not to let his sigh disturb either of the boys beside him. He's had just as restless of a night. Had lain awake staring at the ceiling into the early morning hours, thoughts of Regina filling his head and refusing to let him rest. The logical part of Robin's brain is telling him to let their little slip up in the kitchen go, pretend it didn't happen and move on. Focus his energy on catching this psycho so he can move on to the next job. One that doesn't involve such an alluring client. His heart, however, is screaming at him that giving up on them would be a huge mistake, what he and Regina feel for one another is far too strong to ignore. It seems even staying away from her is distracting him. So then what's the point in even attempting to when Robin would much prefer to have this incredible woman in his arms?

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