Chapter Nine

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Regina barely says anything on the drive home. The prospect of having to try and convince Robin yet again that a relationship between them won't work seems daunting and tiresome and frankly she's just not up for it when her emotions are already raw. Hadn't today proven her point anyway? What more could Robin possibly have to say that could change her mind?

He opens the door for her and Regina doesn't bother to wait for him to follow before she's heading for the living room and the stash of whiskey that she keeps there. Since they are back sooner than expected Henry is still with Mary Margaret for the next few hours so there is no escaping this conversation and Regina knows it. But at the very least she's sure she will need a drink to get through it. And maybe as an added bonus it will settle her jangled nerves from earlier, her pulse still racing when she thinks about what could have happened. Pouring the clear amber liquid into a crystal old fashioned whiskey glass she knocks back a finger of it before refilling her glass and turning to pour another one, offering it to Robin.

"Thank you." he says, reaching for the glass and taking a sip. Robin can feel the tension radiating off her in waves, wishes he could sooth her. Though he's not quite sure where to begin, only knows that he has to come up with something that will reassure her that they can do this and ease her mind. He believes without a doubt that they can overcome this together, Robin just has to convince Regina.

The two of them stand there awkwardly for several minutes, neither saying a word as they watch each other, but it is Regina who finally breaks the silence. "What do you want to talk about, Robin? What do you think you can say that's going to make me change my mind?" She wants nothing more than to be done with this conversation once and for all. To curl up in her bed for a while and drown in her sorrows and then spend the evening with her son.

Robin tilts his head to the side, studies her for a little longer before he starts with, "I'm sorry I scared you today, milady." It's not much in the way of comfort but it still causes Regina's heart to twist in her chest, makes her want to walk over to Robin and snuggle into his shoulder and pretend like some crazy psycho isn't threatening her and now him as well. To take the comfort she knows she will find in Robin's arms.

She's tired of the constant battle between her head and her heart. Frankly, she's not sure how much longer she can keep it up, being pulled in opposite directions. Regina sighs, "I know that. But I was scared, Robin. How do you think I would have felt if something had happened to you today? If you had been hurt, or worse killed," Images of Daniel flash through her mind, "because of your involvement with me? Think about Roland if something happened to you." It's a low blow but she has to make him see that she's right about this and will use whatever means necessary, even his son, even if it breaks her own heart.

Unfortunately for Regina, Robin will not be dissuaded from this fight so easily. His job is hazardous by nature, something he is well aware of and she will not guilt him into giving up on them. "So now you're using my son to push me away? You're better than that, Regina, and it's not going to work. I'm not going anywhere and I won't back off anymore."

Letting out what can only be described as a growl Regina slams her glass down on the desk, spinning on her heel and stalking to the window as she runs her hands through her hair. Damn stubborn, pig-headed man. No matter that those qualities are part of what she loves about him. Turning back to Robin she practically shouts, "What is it going to take to make you see reason? Don't you understand this is for your own good? We can't happen!"

Her voice betrays how frustrated she is, but beyond that he can hear the fear and anger and hurt that are driving her. Robin's voice is quiet but firm as he asks her, "Regina, do you honestly believe you can say anything to make me not want to be with you?" The notion is absurd. Absolutely preposterous and Robin nearly laughs out loud considering it. "Haven't I proven how much I care about you by now? How much you mean to me?" He waits for her eyes to meet his before he continues. "You are more than just a client to me, Regina Mills, and somewhere in the midst of all of this you have become someone I can't live without. Someone I will fight like hell to be with. Even if it is against your own stubbornness."

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