Chapter Four

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It's a quiet Saturday afternoon that Regina finally meets his son.

Robin's child is just as adorable in person as he had been in the photographs Regina had seen in his apartment. He runs through the foyer excitedly, jubilant at the prospect of exploring the big new house accessible to him, at least for the next several hours. Only skids to a halt when Robin calls out that he's not to run, he is a guest and that is not how they act in someone else's home. The boy frowns slightly and nods solemnly.

Regina's lips quirk in response as she floats down the hall to greet them. "Well who do we have here?" she calls, grin widening as Roland whips his head around with big eyes and a warm smile that melts Regina's heart. The boy most certainly has his father's dimples, and charm, if his excited exclamation of "Hi! I'm Roland. You're pretty!" is anything to go by. Chuckling, Regina crouches down until she is at eye level with him. "Why thank you." she responds, "You're quite handsome yourself. I'm Regina." she introduces herself. "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you, Roland?" she asks.

"I get to spend the day with, Papa!" he bursts, near overjoyed with excitement and Regina can't help but find his enthusiasm absolutely delightful, infectious in its purity. "And since he's working we get to come here so he can still protect people."

Her eyes lift to Robin's and he smiles rather sheepishly at her. "It's my day with him," he offers as way of an explanation, "and you did mention perhaps having a playdate between the boys. I thought today might be an opportune time." Regina smiles openly at him.

They've begun to develop a routine in the weeks Robin's been around, consisting mostly of him hovering in the background during filming and trailing around with her while she does promotional appearances. And holing himself up in his bedroom for hours at a time when they are at the mansion as he tries to weed through all the possible culprits sending her these notes. At some point in the last month they had started having dinner together each night. Regina, Henry and Robin. And though he hasn't made much progress in uncovering who the person sending her the letters is Regina has started to feel safe again in his presense, likes having him around, enjoys their quiet conversations over coffee and a cup of tea for Robin after Henry has gone to sleep. Over the last four weeks they've gotten to know the other rather well. He knows apple turnovers are her favorite dessert and she's learned he'd rather be living out in the forest in the middle of nowhere with his boy rather than the crowded streets of Los Angeles. A hundred other little intimacies that come from living in the same space as someone else.

It hasn't left Robin much free time, though, and she is glad that he apparently finally gets a day with his son. "Today's perfect." she replies, turning her attention back to Roland. "How would you like to meet my son? You two can play while you are here today." she tells him.

Roland's eyes light up at the prospect of meeting someone new to play with and he nods his head eagerly. Grinning, Regina rises and holds out her hand for his, her heart warming when he takes it without hesitation. "Henry is outside." she tells him, leading him and Robin to the back of the house. They find Henry curled up on a deck chair by the pool with one of his comic books.

"Regina!" Roland exclaims, bouncing excitedly as he spots the crystal clear water. "You have a pool!" And Regina can't help but chuckle, confirming his enthusiastic observation. His head whips around to look at his father, his words dripping with pleading as he begs, "I want to go swimming Papa! Please!"

She watches as Robin starts to open his mouth to protest, can see it in his eyes before the words even have a chance to leave his mouth. Looking down at Roland's hopeful face, Regina shakes her head slightly at him before he has the chance to deny his son his request. Who could say no to those dimples? she thinks. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Roland. It's rather warm today. Swimming seems the perfect way to cool down for the afternoon."

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