Chapter Thirteen

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"What do you mean she's not here?" Robin questions Tink in disbelief. He and Killian had gotten to set, ready to interrogate Glass only to discover that Gold had given everyone a break and Regina had left the sound stage.

"She told me she was headed back to her trailer. From the look on her face when she left I thought she was off canoodling with you." she tells him, her teasing tone instantly fading and her features turning into a frown when Robin takes off at a sprint in the direction of Regina's trailer. She gives Killian a puzzled glance before he too is hastening to follow Robin, the petite blonde not far behind them.

Robin is frantically moving about the trailer by the time they catch up to him. "She's not here!" he pants, panicked. He's clutching Regina's cell phone in his hand, waving it about from where he'd found it carelessly tossed to the floor. "Where the hell is she?" Moving to squeeze past the two of them in the doorway he is stopped by Killian's hands on his shoulders.

"Breathe, mate. Just calm down for one minute."

"I can't bloody well calm down, he's got Regina!" Robin nearly shouts, breathing labored. He's panicking, can feel the blood rushing through his veins, pounding in his ears to the point he can't focus, can't think clearly. Can't do anything but give into the crippling fear that grips him by the throat. This is all his fault. If only he hadn't been so blind, had figured it out sooner, Regina wouldn't be god-knows-where.

"And you running off half-cocked isn't going to help anyone, least of all Regina." he counters.

Tink's voice breaks through the roaring in Robin's brain. "Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Who has Regina?" She's watching them as if they've both lost their minds and Robin wants to scream. They don't have time for this. They need to find Sidney now. Struggling to quell the icy panic coursing through every inch of his body he takes a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. Deep down he knows Killian is right. They have to stop and think, he can't just run off without a plan. Hell, they don't even have a clue where the bastard might have taken her. Tink's voice slices through the air, impatience evident as she repeats, "Who has Regina?"

Robin meets her confused gaze and sighs, "Sidney Glass," he tells her. A puzzled expression crossing her features but before she can manage another question he continues with, "Regina has had someone stalking her for the past few months, sending her vile letters and following her movements. That's why she hired me in the first place. To protect her and Henry. We finally just put enough of the pieces together and determined it has to be Glass.

"The camera guy?" she asks, "The creepy one who's always watching, Regina?"

His eyes narrow in her direction, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't you have said something about him before?" Robin accuses her angrily. Damnit. How could he have missed it? Because he'd been too wrapped up in her, in them, to notice what was going on around them he tells himself, his fury now directed inward. If anything happens to her because he'd been careless Robin will never forgive himself.

Tink crosses her arms in a defensive stance. "No one told me anything about someone threatening her! I didn't know there was a problem or I would have said something! I thought he was just another guy enamored with her. She's a drop dead gorgeous movie star for Christ sake. Men and women are constantly fawning over her. I didn't think anything of it."

"Yes, and now she's missing." Robin grumbles.

"How do you know she's missing?" she asks him.

Robin gestures around the empty trailer, wiggles the phone still in his grasp. "She's not here is she? And Regina wouldn't leave her phone tossed on the floor. Not to mention this guy's been threatening, hinting to her that they will finally come face to face in the last few letters she's received." Tink glares at him, and Robin gives her a similar look in return before Killian pipes up.

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