Chapter Eleven

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It's business as usual the next few days after that. Regina rises early in the morning, sleepily making her way along 101 with Robin accompanying her. Endless hours on set with Gold barking orders at them and making them repeat take after take while Robin alternates between hovering around set and camping out in her trailer surrounded by his charts and lists. Graham still continues to flirt with her constantly, much to Robin's annoyance. Though she would never admit it, Regina secretly enjoys every little flair of jealousy, likes knowing Robin cares about her enough to want her all to himself.

And she certainly doesn't mind whisking him off to her trailer whenever she has a break to reassure him of her affections by kissing him senseless. They should probably be a bit more discreet (not that they're flashing their relationship around), especially given everything going on, but they are two people helplessly in love and can't get enough of each other. Tink has been teasing them endlessly, happy little matchmaker that she is, until Regina finally threatens to fire her if she doesn't shut up about it.

This particular morning Regina's call time had been ungodly, dragging herself and Robin from her bed at three am to make it here by four. Her reward for it now though is that it's one o'clock and she's free for the rest of the day, the whole afternoon in front of them. So they are back in the comfort, privacy, and safety of her home, enjoying a pleasant lunch together.

Robin is quiet, however, responds to every question she asks him with a smile but there is something shadowing those blue eyes she loves. "What's wrong?" Regina eventually asks him, patience growing thin. This afternoon is supposed to be happy and fun.

"Nothing, milady." He replies, taking another bite of his club sandwich.

"You're not fooling me, Robin. Something's on your mind. What is it?" she asks, annoyance rising slightly as he pops a few chips in his mouth, chewing slowly, buying himself some time.

Sighing Robin lifts his eyes to meet Regina's. "I'm worried." he answers quietly, almost as if he's afraid to admit it. The last thing he wants to do is cause her anymore stress, particularly over this, but Robin is at a loss. He hasn't made any progress over the last few days, has been over and over every single letter a thousand times and he still has no idea who this man could be. And there hasn't been a new one for almost a week now which worries him most of all. It means he's planning something, something Robin is scared he might not see coming.

Regina tenses automatically, her shoulders stiff and gaze weary when she asks tentatively, brain immediately jumping to the wrong conclusion, "About us?" They've been in a period of isolated bliss for the last few days, enjoying each other and in embracing their feelings, but maybe Robin has changed his mind. Perhaps all of this is bit too much for him after all and he's decided she's not worth getting involved with.

The look of disbelief on Robin's face quickly dispels those concerns. "What?! No! What are you talking about?" he asks. Leaning forward, he grips her palm between his hands, rubbing his thumb along her skin. "If there is anything I am sure of, milady, it is you and me." Robin exhales deeply before admitting, "I'm worried about this stalker.

And while one fear is alleviated another weighs on Regina as her brow crinkles in concern. It seems they can't avoid reality for very long after all. "Has something else happened?" she questions, "Another letter?"

Robin shakes his head, huffing out a breath of frustration and leans back in his chair, pulling his hand from her grasp to run through his dark blonde locks. "No. That's what I'm concerned about. Men like this escalate, which he as proved to be following that pattern, they don't just drop off the map. But there has been no word, no blip on any radar I have trying to figure out who he. I'm afraid I'm missing something." Robin confesses quietly.

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