The New Guy: Karashima Hikaru

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"My name's Karashima Hikaru. I transferred from Okinawa, I'm a 3rd year, I guess I have a pretty girly name but obviously I'm a guy so...nice to meet you all"

ಠ_ಠ Could he be any duller? Not even a smile!

The girls however were already giddy, Hikaru has changed but I guess for the better? He's kind of serious and doesn't smile unless it's the 3 of us at home or when he's just trying to be polite but being in a band I suppose his 'bad boy' attitude stuck and the girls were digging it.

He went to sit next to me, we had the exact same schedule which meant there is no escape. He's going to watch me like a hawk...

"Jun, are any of your other friends in the same class as you?" Hikaru asked.

"Makoto and Haru are, but I have them for my last class. We all have the same lunch though, so we can all eat together"

"When do I get to meet your boyfriend?"

"I don't have one" I said.

"That's why you've been so bummed out lately huh? Hmph. I can tell already he's not good enough for you Jun, did he dump you cuz of what happened?"

"It was because he felt betrayed and I lied" I said.

"So he's disappointed you weren't really a-"

"Hikaru.." I shook my head.

"Oh're my brother. I forgot about that, but anyway don't let that bring you down Jun" he ruffled my hair.

"Yeah...I guess you're right" I said.

He hasn't even attempted to get a hold of me.


4 Days Later...


I can't believe all of that went down, it's been 4 almost 5 days and yet all I can think about is how I let him...her leave like that. Yet again she didn't seem to care whether or not I stayed with her so why should I be upset over all this.

Momo: Nitori-senpai, Are you free this weekend?

Ai: I think so, why? Are you going to go visit Jun-Senpai?


Momo: Yeah, I want to go see how she's doing. Lately I haven't been able to get a response.

Ai: I emailed her yesterday but I also didn't get a response. Maybe she's still upset over what happened.

Kazuki: Tch, I wouldn't be. She's hot, I would most definitely vote for her to keep doing business here.

Momo: Yeah, she is. Man you should see how she looks when she dressed up. Kawaii ne~ She's definitely the cutest girl I've ever seen.

Kazuki: How do you know?

Momo: I went on a date with her once~


A date?! With HIM?!

Ai: Did you really?

Momo: (Nods proudly) It was more of a favor but was...Sugoi! I have pictures on my phone.

Kazuki: So it wasn't legit?

Momo: Not exactly, see at the time I thought she was really a guy so it was a favor but ever since I found out...I feel like the luckiest guy ever. She's such a kind, funny, smart and considerate person not to mention she's into video games and all types of sports...she's perfect.

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