The Introduction

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Back to Crystal...

I watch as Clara puts her tooth under her pillow. Her mum kisses her goodnight and walks out of the room. I jump down onto the windowsill, looking at her. I open her window a little, but I hear someone coming. A beautiful pattern starts to cover the window. I frown looking at it. Then I fly away. I climb onto the roof and watch the moon.

"If there's something I'm doing wrong, can you just tell me?" I say sadly to the moon "Because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me." The moon doesn't answer. "You put me here. The least you could is, tell me... tell me why" The moon keeps still and shines brightly. I look down at the roof and fly off. I walk along an outstretched branch of a tree. Golden glowing sand flies in front of me.

"Right on time, Sandman" I whisper happily to myself. I turn around and put my hand through the sand. The figure of a snowflake emerges from it. It spins around me and I follow it, trying to keep up, laughing. The sand disappears. I give a big bright smile. Something flies past me. My smile fades as I look for the thing. I arrive in an empty street.

"Hello, Crystal," says a figure in the shadows "It's been a long time" the figure emerges from the shadows.

"Jack" I laugh

"Blizzard of 05, I believe," he says happily "Snow day"

"Oh, Jack," I say casually "You're not still mad about that. Are you?"

"No. I forgive you" Jack says happily "But this is about something else. Fellas" Two yetis emerged from the shadows. One of them carrying a sack.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask backing off. I get shoved into the sack and everything goes black. I hear the yetis asking Jack to go first.

"Ok," Jack says thankfully. I hear him go through the portal that the yetis put down after I was shoved into the sack. I feel myself being thrown into the portal and landing on a hard ground.

"Shoosh everybody" whispers a big voice "She's here" I push the top of the sack up and get out of it. The yetis try to help.

"Ok," I say annoyedly "You can put me down now" They put me down.

"I hope you enjoyed your trip," says North happily.

"Oh, yeah," I say sarcastically "I love being shoved into a sack and tossed through a magic portal."

"Good," says Jack sarcastically "That was my idea" He laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask confusedly

"That was the same way I was brought here" he laughs. I laugh with him.

"So why am I here?" I ask when I stop laughing

"You were chosen as a Guardian," says Bunny rolling his eyes

"What?" I ask in anger "Why pick me?"

"You think we pick?" North frowns "No. You were chosen, like we were all chosen, by Man in Moon,"

"Man in Moon?" I whisper "He talks to you?"

"Last night, Crystal," says Tooth gently "He chose you" I laugh.

"After 200 years," I say angrily "This is his answer? To spend forever like you guys? Couped up in some - some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids? No, no. That's not for me. No offence"

"How - how" Jack stammers "is that not offensive"

"She doesn't even care about children" Bunny whispers to North

"Uh," I butt in "Ever hear of a snow day?"

"Yeah," says Jack "That's my job"

"And mine," I say angrily, "I help"

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