Something Terrible

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"I can't leave you" tears filling his eyes.

"You have to, Jack," I say trying to show how sad I am "I'll kill you if you don't, and I don't want to kill you."

"Please -" he starts, but Tooth grabs his arm. He looks behind himself. I watch him try to struggle away from her. She puts her arms around his stomach and pulls him away from me. He struggles to get out of her grasp.

"Crystal!" he screams helplessly "Please Tooth. Let go of me!"

"No" she barely says from all of his weight. He keeps struggling. I want to help, but she pulls him out of the room and away. I can hear him screaming my name. He eventually goes quiet. I put my arm down. I see my dress turn blue. I can control myself now. I run down the hall, where I last saw Jack. Tooth could've dragged him through any of these doors. I try the first door. I hear something bang on the wall from the other side. Then I hear voices. I press my ear against the door. I can't make out what they're saying. I can tell it's Jack and the rest of the Guardians. How do I get in? I hear another bang but on another wall. I open the window and look out. I see Jack heading into the forest. I run outside and follow him into the forest. I can't go that deep in the forest, so I lift myself up off the ground and zoom over the trees. I go for about two minutes until I see something blue. I slowly fall into the bushes. I see my starting to flicker between black and blue. It changes to black, and I see Jack pull the branches out of the way. I want to run away and not let him see me, but instead, I jump out. I leap onto Jack and knock him onto his back. I quickly get up off of him. He stands up and looks at me.

"Crystal," he says rushing forwards, but then he back off, realising me. I'm aiming right at him. Why can't I just put my arm down and run? Because I'm possessed. By Pitch.

"Run, Jack" I whisper tearily. I don't want to kill him. What if I do? Will I break out of this trance? "Please"

"No," he says scaredly "I'm not leaving you" he turns his attention to my outstretched hand. "Just don't shoot."

"I'm trying my best not to," I say even more scared than Jack looks. He needs to get out of here. I don't want to kill him. What will happen? I just want to know if I kill him or not. In the end. Does it all fade away from me? Or will I fade away from everything? I hear a rustle in the bush behind me. I see Jack look behind me, and I whip around. Suddenly, I feel a force knock me to the ground. I struggle to get up. Why can't I get up? I realise that Jack has knocked me to the ground.

"Jack," I say with tears in my eyes "Get off of me. Please"

"I'm sorry," Jack says sadly. I feel something wet fall onto the back of my neck. I think it's one of Jack's tears. Why can't all of this just end? He picks me up and flies into the sky. We go back to the workshop, with me struggling uncontrollably.

"Stop struggling" Jack struggles to keep me in his arms.

"I'm trying not to," I say as a tear drops down into the clouds. We eventually get to the workshop. Jack puts me down, and I immediately run down the hall. I need to get away, and I want to.

"Crystal" I hear Jack call. "Wait"

"I can't" I call back "Remember" he grabs my arm, and I whip myself around. My hand presses flat against Jack's chest. Tear well up in my eyes as I shoot. He falls to the floor and my dress turns blue. I rush down towards Jack and hold his head. A tear splashes onto his face.

"I'm sorry, Jack" I whisper sadly.

"It's not your fault," he says weakly "You were possessed. You didn't do it. It was Pitch."

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