It was the second day we had in London, and today we were singing for One Direction.
I was so nervous I could barely sing. I didn't want to stuff this up, especially for the boys, too. If I made one mistake, it could jeopardize all of us. It felt a little unfair, but still reasonable at the same time. That may not make sense, but if I put myself in the judges position, I would probably end up doing the exact same thing.
We were getting ready, I'd already met One Direction, they're extremely nice, but, it doesn't coax my stress levels down. Everything was seeming to run smoothly, though.
I was getting more focused as the minutes went by. Everything was going to be okay. I just kept telling myself that. I also tried talking to myself as if it wasn't a big deal, like 'Sure, Jayden, you can pull it off, I mean, everyone likes your singing, everyone will like it, they'll like you, they'll like your voice, you'll be great.' shrugging off the nervousness a little, but it only helped the teensiest bit. But I was starting to believe in myself, I was focused, and that was the main thing. I, was, focused.
Until, I was the only one in the change rooms, just for a minute, I was sorting out my things into a bag, I looked up into the mirror to check what I looked like, for about the millionth time, it was my nerves, I think.
I looked up, fixing the hair peeping through my beanie, until my eyes shifted slightly, I saw that creepy girl sitting on a chair, staring at me. She had her legs crossed and both arms were resting on the arms of the chair, it was a smile that was sort of... Like a seducing smile, like it was meant to seduce someone. I frowned in the mirror, looking at her, she tapped her crossed legged foot slightly in the air, holding her petrifying gaze.
I turned around slowly, keeping my look of her in the mirror until I turned to see her, but, she was gone.
She was gone.
She just disappeared like that, she was gone, right before my eyes.
She was gone.
The only place to escape was the door, the door that was behind me to the left.
How on Earth would she have gotten there so fast, how did she even get in the room?
How did she even get in the X-Factor?
One Direction were in a few rooms from here, no way they'd just let a teenage girl in for a little walk.
'Oh you know, let's just let this probably crazed, obsessed, One Direction fan right in through the door for a little walk, nothing could happen, no one would mind.'
Yeah, sure.
I was really starting to get creeped out, I mean, she just disappeared, right before my eyes, I was... Wonderstruck, and, completely creeped out. She was gone.
Who the hell was she, and why did I keep seeing her?
It wasn't like your regular coincidences. She was in England.
The same day as me.
The same place, at the same time,
Three times in a row, now.
And I couldn't have been crazy, Julian saw her before on the lookout with me.
I wanted to tell Julian, but, think about it. Think about it, Jayden.
You'd be looked at as a psycho.
No way.
Especially since I'm only just getting to know these guys.
What do I do?
The Guardian ~ Jayden Sierra FanFic
SpiritualWhen Jayden's life is becoming better and better by each step he takes, what will be just a usual drummed-high-hope dream of true destiny becomes reality. And at every moment that seems to matter most, he is interrupted by something that is intrigui...