The Fourth Day; The McArthur Square Meeting.

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I opened my eyes, much of the opposite form of hastle. It was slow, and cautious. I looked around my room, stretching a little in my bed.

I realized today was the day.

Today was the day I had to meet Rhia.

It'd been three days, like she'd said.

I'd thought it over and over, whether it was a dream or not, especially the part where I was suddenly on the plane. But my mind told me something was incredibly real about her, she was just... True.

I exhaled deeply before turning over to check my clock.


It was already 12.00, it took me almost 45 minutes to get to McArthur Square.

So technically, I had close to 15 minutes to get ready.

I quickly got out of bed, getting dressed immediately. I just chucked on what I'd regularly wear down there, nothing too posh, but the kind of thing, well, the kind of thing everyone wears. But I still show hints of myself.

I quickly gulped down some breakfast before grabbing my keys and phone, shutting the door behind me and getting in my car. It was now 12:20. Crap, I'll be late.

The drive there was silent, apart from the murmurs of the radio which only just rimmed in circles towards my eardrums. Music I don't think I'd ever heard before played on the popular radio station.


Once I'd made my way there, and finally getting a park, I stood outside my car, texting my dad to tell him I went out. I'd completely forgotten before from being in such a rush, I didn't know where everyone went when I woke up, I just supposed they were either in their bedrooms, or out the back, or across the street, or something.

I ran in to the centre, to see Rhia 'patiently' waiting for me when she spoke, loudly, across the large half empty room,

"Where have you been?" She stood up, walking towards me.

"I was-"

"I don't care, you do not show up late when we have an appointment, do you understand?" She cut me off, she seemed completely different.

Her face was tense, not relaxed like before, she looked extremely stressed.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up at home." I lied.

"We both know that's a petty little lie you quickly made up off the top of your head to cover up for how long you slept in!" She poked my chest and I stepped back a little.

What was with her?

"Wow, h-how did you know that?"

"Oh come on Jayden I know everything there is to know about you, heck, I know the future too."

"If you really know the future, then why are you getting so mad at me? You would have known I'd be late?" I questioned.

"I can only sense whatever comes to me, really. That was not one of them unfortunately. But still, even if it was, I would still rat you out because you need to learn not to be late!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" I defended myself from her harsh mood.

She moaned angrily and stood with her hands on her hips, her glare burning right through me, the weird thing was I could actually feel my temperature going up, like, really quickly, not just the average heating up you'd get from a heater, not like they had any in McArthur Square anyway.

She looked away suddenly, and I cooled down in a snap. She was thinking of something to say, I'd supposed. When she looked back to me, she raised her eyebrow at me as if I was really pissing her off, and her facial expression almost made me flinch a little, it was so strong I thought she'd punch me in the face.

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