An Important Decision

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She told herself that she was ALWAYS prepared for this important life and death decision. It turned out she was so wrong every single time. The result would change her life in a very dramatic way - way too dramatic if you ask everyone who saw her. Still, she will regret it if she didn't make the right choice.

The clock was ticking loudly in her ears. It was a complete disturbance within her mind. She shouldn't be distracting herself within the current situation. This was one of the very few times she needed to focus. Focus to get what she wanted the most.

The people after her took a step.

She hated this. Panic was slowly growing inside her. What to do? What to say? She was so impossible at times like this. If she doesn't make the decision soon then she might piss the people around her. They will be mad at her if she took too long!

She looked at the words found in a certain printed board. Which is which? But all of those choices were tempting! What if she suddenly does not want the first one? She wouldn't be able to satisfy herself if that happens. She should quickly make up her mind.

Another step.

She already made a decision before she went inside. She changed it immediately and went into a debate with her inner self while waiting. Oh, how she cursed herself for being like this all the time!

Two more and it was her turn.

At this point, she badly wished that she has the ability to stop time. She was panicking inside but she held the infamous poker face outside. Either somebody should take their time so she could decide well or she could hurry up thinking about it.

One more.

Now, she was on the verge of crying no matter how ridiculous the reason was. It was her last round of debating with herself. There were so many paths yet only one would satisfy her. This decision should be perfect.

She suddenly noticed that the person in front of her was starting to move to make his exit. She paled.

This was it.

She has to make the immediate life and death decision, the right one to be exact. Soon this struggle shall be over and she would leave this place too.

"Welcome to the Great Bakeshop! What would you have, ma'am?" The lady beamed at her then her mask broke. She could only turn her gaze at the menu featuring the different kinds of pastries. Conflict was evidently etched into her face. She bit her lip then brought out her wallet and looked at the money in it. She sighed deeply.

"I'll have each of everything, please." She said.


Only that it will cost her so much. But she was so tempted! She can't simply decide to buy one! There were plenty of them. She really just can't choose a single pastry to stuff herself with.

The lady nodded. It wasn't everyday that someone will buy each for everything after all, especially if it was a student.

The lady gave her the two boxes of sweets and she proceeded to leave the shop. She sighed again after a certain thought entered her.

Well, there goes her one week allowance.


A/N: If memory serves me right, this was also written around 2013 and originally supposed to be a remake or a different POV of 'Final Moment' but I thought 'why not go to the fun relate-able side?'

So, same drill. Leave a comment below or on the next page and tell me your thoughts or if you have any experiences similar to the character. Also, don't forget to click the vote button if you found it relate-able or you like it! Happy readings and have a great day! :)

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