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I ran to the walls of O'Khasis. Most of the guards were asleep. Typical. O'Khasis never was big on security. They thought they were untouchable.

I quickly darted inside and looked around.

The place was beautiful. Gold and black was the rooms main theme. With black crosses, (A/N like on Garroth's old uniform, which he's still wearing I'm this book.)
And golden patterns everywhere.

I ran down the hallway until I saw a door with the letter G written on it in fancy golden writing. Garroth.

I quietly opened the door and walked inside.

Someone grabbed me, pulling me against them and a sword to my throat.

"What are you doing here?" Said Garroth in a low, quiet voice.

"Save your breath. You won't have any soon." He growled.

"Please, just listen to me..' I asked. "You can do whatever after, just please, listen.."

"Go on." He said.

"A-A Lord once ruled a village." I began. "She ruled fairly and gave her people t-the luxury they deserved. This was a small village, b-but everyone knew everyone by name-"

"Get on with it." He cut me off again. I nodded, terrified.

"She had a head guard. This guard held feelings for her. More than he should have. But what he didn't know, was that the Lord held the same feelings towards him..."

Garroth now seemed panicked. "What was the guards name...?!?!"

"Garroth.... It was you... Please you have to listen to me!"

He growled. "If my brother hasn't killed you yet, then I will!"

A tear rolled Down my cheek and onto his hand. Where the tear fell, his skin turned back to his normal colour. He gasped slightly. The skin up his arm began to turn back to its normal colour and he dropped his sword. The evil glint in his eyes slowly disappeared.

"L-Lady Aphmau....?" He asked.

I smiled, turned, and hugged him. "Oh thank Irene, Garroth, you're okay!"

He smiled and hugged me back. "I'm so sorry, M'Lady... I-I..."
"It's fine Garroth.."

His eyes suddenly widened as he realised something. "Wait, M'Lady, do you lo-"

"I see you've found your "dearest love," Garroth" said Zane, laughing and cutting him off. "But, since Aphmau has fixed you, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you."

I growled, stepping away from Garroth. "You'll have to get through me first, Zane."

He laughed. "Ooh! I'll be able to test the great Descendant of Irene!"
He drew his sword and attacked me. I blasted him back and but a barrier around him, so that he can't move. Zane tried to use his Shadow Knight abilities, but they didn't work. 

I grabbed Garroth's hand and teleported us to Laurence. I felt very light headed and fell back. Garroth caught me though.


Laurence ran in. He drew his sword. "Let her go, Shadow Knight!"

"H-He isn't a Shadow Knight.... A-anymore...." I said, weak.

Garroth looked extremely worried about me. Laurence walked up.

"Just... Give her time to rest. What are your orders, M'Lady?" Asked Laurence.

"Get everyone ready... To attack.... Alert the lords of the... Phoenix Alliance.... That we're attacking... O'Khasis..." I said, before falling unconscious, with Garroth still holding me.



The Lord's Head Guard.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz