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I met Zane's eyes.

"Hello, brother. Do you feel well after the ritual?" He smiled slightly.

I laughed a cold laugh. 'I have never been better, Zane. I feel brand new. It's amazing!"

"I'm glad you feel that way, Garroth. It's a pleasure to see you like this. But. We have a problem."

My stare turned cold. "Problem..?" I asked.

He turned serious. "We're at war. The Lord of Phoenix Drop wants you to become her head guard. She believes that she has a special "gift." She's delusional. We must stop her."

I growled. "How will we stop her?" I asked.
"You shall kill her."
I paused for a moment.

Something's wrong. I'm hearing something....

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! YOU LOVE THAT LORD! LISTEN TO ME, DAMMIT!" I voice in my head screamed. I winced.

"What is it, Garroth?" Zane asked.

"I'm hearing things...." I responded.
"I knew it. That Lord got ahold of you. She put you under a enchantment of some sort, she had a witchcraft user in her village." He explained. "It's to make you believe that she's the good one here. She isn't."

I nodded. The voice continued to roar at me, screaming things like "You love her!" And "You can't do this to her!" I growled. What use is love?


Nothing at all.


I was reading through a book that Molly gave me, riding my horse.
It was about Irene, and how to control my abilities.

Right now, we're riding to O'Khasis. I know, it's not safe, but I'm prepared.

I learned some basic attacks before we came. Blasting a sphere of magic, barriers, healing chants, again, the basic stuff. But I was now reading of really complex spells that require serious strength and will to perform. They're extremely hard to perform, as it says in the book, but it looks interesting. 

"M'Lady." Laurence interrupted. "So sorry to interrupt your reading, but we've arrived."

I looked up and saw O'Khasis castle. But I also saw something else.

Zane. And Garte. Along with a cloaked figure, standing at their gates.

Laurence growled. "I don't like the look of this..."  I looked to him. "You should wait back here, Laurence." I said.

"What?! Are you mad?! What if they try and hurt you!" He said.
"They might see you as sign of us wanting a fight." I warned. "I don't want that. He might not let us see Garroth."

Laurence eventually nodded. "But if anything happens, and if Zane does attack you, I'll have his head." He wasn't happy. I could tell that much. He was also scared for my safety, but mostly he was worried.

I got of my horse and walked up to them. Zane gave me a evil grin.

"Lady Aphmau"
"Zane. Lord Garte."

Garte smirked. "I wish for you to meet someone." I gave him a confused look.

The cloaked figure pulled down their hood. I saw Garroth, but he was different.

His skin was even more paler than before, almost completely white, and his hair was darker. A now brownish colour rather than a platinum blonde. He dawned red armour, blood red armour. And that broke my heart in two.

It was the Armour of a Shadow Knight.

"Garroth...?"'I asked, trying to keep my composure.

He nodded. Garroth was a Shadow Knight...

"And he has a surprise for you, Aphmau." No title. This can't be good.

Garroth drew his sword and launched at me, pinning me to the tree and slashing his sword at me. I cried out. I can't hurt him...

I tried putting up a barrier, but with Garroth continuously slashing at me and slicing through my skin, it was impossible. I was eventually engulfed in darkness, and the last thing I saw, was Laurence pushing Garroth back.



I picked up Aphmau in a frenzy, and ran out, to a small camp spot that Dante was building. Luckily, no one followed.

"DANTE!" I screamed. He turned and his eyes widened.   "What happened?!"

I growled 

"Garroth's a Shadow knight."


How'd ya like, hm? Tell me your predictions as to what'll happen in the comments!


The Lord's Head Guard.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz