Part 20

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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. Check out last chapters, since it's been awhile ;) 

Part 20

Selene’s POV

I froze as the words flew out of his mouth, so easily. I pulled away to see Chase’s serious face.

“I really love you, Selene.” He took my face into his hands.

I didn’t understand why he was telling me so soon and right now of all places. I could tell something was worrying him, eating away at him. I thought I had reassured him by telling him I would protect him but it seems to have worried him more. I couldn’t understand what it was that was nagging at him so much.

I pulled away from him, took his face in my hands and stared into his eyes for a moment, trying to decipher what was going on.

“Chase, what’s wrong?” I asked, worried.

He pressed his lips against mine and I allowed it only because he seemed quite distressed.

“Can’t a guy tell his mate he loves her?” he waved it off.

“Please, if something is bothering you, please tell me. I promise I won’t think any less of you.” I started running my hands through his hair, trying to calm his tense muscles down a bit.

“Nothing is wrong. How could it be, when my mate is my arms?” He attempted to be cheesy.

“Are you sure? Are you absolutely, 100% positive?” I asked.

He pressed his lips to my forehead and nodded. I let it go, though I had a feeling it would blow up in my face. I sighed as he took my hand and we continued on our way. There was still something nagging at him, and I knew it. I would let him come to me when he was ready. After all, there was only so far I could nudge until he got annoyed and I didn’t want that. I just wanted to help him with whatever was wrong.

Chase wouldn’t tell me what we were going to do till I had my sleepover with Ash. He said he wanted it to be a surprise. I had my fair share of surprises and so I hadn’t liked the ones that I had. I just hoped this one would be ok. I trusted Chase not to do anything to hurt me.

We went out, which consisted mostly of me showing Chase some of my favorite places. Those places included, Tyler and mine’s favorite ice cream shops, some of my hideouts when I wanted to get away from everything. It was more like I was giving him a tour.

“You know, you haven’t told me you love me yet.” Chase said, his hand slipped into mine, as I drove around heading for the best spot to look at the sunset, since it was almost time.

Oh I had totally forgotten! I was so worried I didn’t say it back! Maybe that could have been bugging him! That would explain why he said it so suddenly. I arrived at our destination without saying a word, determined to prove my feelings to him. I shifted the car in park and turned it off.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to. I—” he said before, I took his face into my hands and slammed my lips onto to his.

I would never let my mate think that I didn’t have any feelings for him. He should never have to compete for my love or attention, not with anyone. I wouldn’t let it happen.

“I love you so much. I won’t allow you to think that I don’t love you.” I said, breathless, as soon as I pulled away from his lips.

“What did I do to get that kind of kiss?” He smiled at me.

I got out of the car, telling him to follow my lead. I somehow knew this place. I wonder when Chase had found it. Great minds think alike, I guess, I thought to myself. I let my wolf sense take over my human senses but didn’t allow myself to shift. Chase of course followed my lead. I took survey of my surroundings. I had parked near a parking lot of sorts, even though it was just a bunch of gravel.

“Race you to the cliff!” I yelled, running off.

He looked confused before he started running, probably seeing the large cliff. We were neck and neck soon but I wasn’t just going to let him win because he was my mate. I turned to him, as he did the same and winked. He looked so shocked, he hit a tree. I laughed and raced on.

I knew he was ok. It would take more than that to even remotely hurt werewolves. Somehow he still ended up there before me. I stared at him shocked. How is that even possible?

“How??” I asked, confused.

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I happen to know an even shorter short cut.” He smiled down at me.

“So you’ve been here before?” I asked.

“A while ago yea. I never knew there were others though.” He looked down at me.

I smiled up at him, content. I leaned in, closer and closer, until he got the idea. Our lips were so close, before I whispered.

“Last one to the top is a rotten egg.”

I jumped out of his arms and started climbing the cliff as fast as my small, yet swift body could take me.

“Aw, come on!” He whined from the bottom.

I laughed, yet continued on my way there.

This time I won, because I obviously took an early lead.

“You cheated, that’s why you won.” He pouted once he got up.

I stuck my tongue out at him, in ridicule. He got the look in his eyes, the mischievous kind. I’ve seen it on my brother and dad tons of times to know that he’s up to no good. So as a precaution, I take a couple steps back, but he automatically follows forward.

We continue this game until I’m at the edge of the cliff and my foot slips. I gasp, as Chase quickly wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me forward. He hugged me to his body.

“You’re a trouble magnet huh?” He sighed, as I wrapped my arms around him

“What do you expect? I am my parent’s child.” I said, pulling away enough to smile.

This caused him to laugh, surprisingly.

“No doubt about it. It’s hard not to see the resemblance. I could tell exactly who you were as soon as you walked into the store. It’s clear in the way you hold yourself, so much like your parents.” He murmured against my skin, while pressing his lips against my neck.

“Mmmmm, Chase….” I trailed off at the wonderful sensations that were in caused by Chase’s lips.

“Chase, we have to go. I’m going to be late!” I whined, pulling him away.

“I only get you for such a short time? Unfair.” He whined this time.

I laughed, pulling away and slid down the cliff fast than I had crawled up. After all, it was easier to fall than to climb.

“I had a great time, but it’s a tradition between Ash and I. I’m her best friend.” I tried to explain.

“Oh I know. I would never take you away from your family and friends. I love you and I don’t want to share, but I know that I have to. Especially since you’re soon to be Beta, huh?” He replied.

“I’m so glad my mate is so smart.” I smiled at him, pecking his lips.

We drove back in relative silence. It was the nice kind. We were both sort of lost in our own thoughts, surrounded by them. I had this dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just could not shake away. I still decided to ignore it, since it wasn’t too strong, yet. 

Hehehehe. How's that? Since it's been awhile I'd like 5 comments and votes please? Thanks ;) 

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