Part 6

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Kinda short but the next one is longer. 


"When did they stop calling us Mommy and Daddy?” I asked.

“About the time they turned 10 years old.” Alec answered.

“We’ve got to tell them Alec.” I sighed.

Alec only nodded, grimly.

Neither of us wanted to be the ones to tell them, but we knew we had to. We had to tell the kids, and the pack. I sighed, might as well do it today.

Part 6

Tyler’s POV

Selene and I were now in school. We tried to blend in, since we knew not to attract a lot of attention. It never worked that way. Supernatural people are just naturally attracted to us. I don’t know why, but it was very creepy. There were tons of supernatural’s that wanted to be our friends, since we entered high school. Selene and I were now used to understanding who was genuine and who was fake by now, but we had to go through a lot to figure out who was in the beginning.

Selene and I had gathered a group of really close really good friends though. We were known as the popular people of the school, but we weren’t mean or anything, quite the opposite, we were indifferent. Selene and her best friend made up half the group itself. Ashling Silver (AKA Ash), Selene’s best friend since they were born. Ash has black hair, with blue eyes, not exactly like Selene but pretty close, some people even thought they were sisters, and it didn’t help that they spent every moment together since they were little. Ash is also a werewolf, she’s been in the pack for a while, but she’s not originally from our pack.

Zachary Silver (AKA Zach), he’s Ash’s big brother, but they don’t look anything alike, whereas Ash got her looks from her mother, (just like Selene did), Zach got his from his dad (just like I did). He had black hair, but his eyes were brown like mine, he’s also a wolf. People thought Zach and I looked more like I siblings than Selene and I and people thought that Selene and Ash looked more like siblings than her and I too. No surprise, but we all hang out together and we make up the so called “popular group” for some reason.

Mom and dad said that Ash and Zach’s family were living alone since Mr. and Mrs. Silver got kicked out of the pack for being mates, (yeah they’re pack was weird). They had been alone for a while, before they came into our territory. When they arrived though, they didn’t exactly seem in very good condition. Our pack took them in, no questions asked, though they explained everything to our mom and dad in more detail later, something I wasn’t allowed to know though. We couldn’t just leave them there anyway. They’ve been in our pack ever since. Anyway, Mrs. Silver got pregnant the same time as mom did and they had me and Zach, same thing with Selene and Ash, so it worked out.

Anyway, as I was saying about the supernatural’s,

The bell rang, signaling for class to start. Zach and I went to our first period and Selene and Ash went to theirs.

Whenever people see us, they start whispering, it used to confuse Selene and I but now we don’t really care. We’ve thought about talking to mom and dad about it, but waved it off, thinking nothing of it. Zach and I were now Seniors, it was our last year here, while Selene and Ash were still Juniors, so we had lunch and some classes together but not a lot. I was just glad that I could keep somewhat of an eye on her, so that nothing happened to her. Yeah I was the over protective kind of brother but so was Zach so you can’t blame me either.

First period, homeroom, was just a filler class, nothing important. The whole day was pretty boring. By the time we got lunch, Zach and I were bored out of our minds; usually there was something to go with but not today.  

“Ugh, why is it so boring today?” Complained Ash, as she plopped down with her lunch at our table.

“I have no clue. Usually there’s always something. Hey, where’s Selene?” I said and asked.

“Oh, she’s coming. She had to talk to the teacher about something.” Ash informed.

Selene was the smartest among us. Sometimes all three of us would come up to her for some kind of help. She was the one of the smartest in this school actually. She had outsmarted teachers on many occasions too. It made me wonder if we were related because I didn’t have the same intelligence as her. Mom always she got that from her and dad argues that she got that from him but personally I think she got it from mom.

“Hey guys!” Selene said, sitting down next to Ash, who was across from me.

Selene was the spitting image of mom, sometimes even dad and I would get them confused, especially if you were looking at their backs or their sides and not directly in front of them.

“Hey, is it just us or is boring today?” I asked her.

“Nope, I’ve noticed it too. Nothing seems to happen. To me, it feels like the calm before the storm, you know?” Selene said looking around us, warily, her faced scrunched up in concentration.

Now when Selene was worried then you should be too. She’s got awesome instincts, another reason she’s just like mom.

“Why? Do you think something’s going to happen, Selene?” I asked, worried.

Ash and Zach looked between us in concern. Her face smoothed out and she smiled at us reassuringly.

“Nah, it was just a hunch, nothing big. Whatever it was it’s gone now. Don’t worry.” Selene said.

I was still on my guard. Selene was also caring, she didn’t like to make people worry or concerned. I sighed, and we went back to talk about regular stuff and eating. Before lunch ended I gave her a side hug and ruffled her hair a bit, even though I knew her reaction.

Exactly like I predicted, her face scrunched up and she pouted.

“You know I hate when you do that.” She commented.

“I know but I still love to do it.” I smiled widely at her and pushed her to her next class.

“See you afterschool.” I commented before walking to my next class.

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, but it was still boring. Zach and I practically jumped out of our seats when the last bell rang. We quickly went to our lockers to put away our stuff and then went to the girl’s lockers where we meet them every day.

“Ugh, I’m glad school’s over. It was so boring today.” Ash whined as we went to my car.

We all took only one car, even though all of us could drive and we all had cars, we alternated. I went first, then Zach, then Selene then Ash. We all played happily

“Apparently it wasn’t just us four either, I was talking to some of the pack mates and they also thought it more boring than usual. Some of them even thought there was something fishy about it.” I told them, while driving home.

“I’m sure it’s nothing.” Selene waved off.

When we got back home, with the rest of the pack, we all gathered in the living room, which really wasn’t a living room, more of a hang out place. Mom and dad, Alpha and Female Alpha of the Moon Pack, our pack, were waiting for us. They had made snacks, like they always do for the entire pack.

We left Zach and Ash downstairs and told them we’d meet at like 6 o’ clock, after we were done with our homework and stuff.

Once we got inside our dorm, we went to the living room. Mom and dad sat down on one couch and we sat down in another.

“We need to talk.” Mom started off. 

I want 10 comments and votes or I'm not uploading. You guys were the ones that wanted a sequel and now that I'm writing one, no ones even commenting or voting. What am I uploading for then? 

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