Part 21

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Part 21

Selene’s POV

Once we got home, Ash basically ripped me away from Chase and started climbing stairs. I spent a floating kiss to Chase as he pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. He was so cute.

“Is it Sunday Movie Night already?” My mom commented as Ash and I burst into the room.

“Yea, we’ll just be in my room.” I called.

“Dinner in 15, don’t be late. No snacking till afterwards.” She replied, chopping onions.

“I love your mom.” Ash said, smiling.

“Hey, don’t try to ease back into our usual conversation. I need an answer, what’s gotten into you??” I said, sternly.

I popped in a movie, our favorite, A Walk to Remember. She turned to me, nervously twiddling her fingers.

“I think Natalia and Chase are lying.” She spoke, rushed.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“They’re not who they say are.” She mumbled, still not meeting my eyes.

“Why would you think that?” I asked, hurt.

“I-I don’t know…I can just tell. I knew you would be mad, so I didn’t say anything. It’s also considered treason for me to say this, but you have to believe me.” She said, looking down.

“What proof do you have??” I asked, starting to get angry.

“I heard Chase and Natalia last night; they said Alpha Hunter was going to get to get to you and them if they didn’t obey. They said, that if they were caught they’d be shunned from both packs and forced to become rouges. They said they had to do this.” She still wasn’t meeting my eyes.

“Ash, maybe you’re just reading too much into this. It’s pretty logical. I mean they’ve already been shunned from their first pack and they’re probably just scared that we’re just like them. I’m sure it’s nothing. Besides I would have gotten a vibe remember?” I tried to soothe her.

Ash nodded and sighed.

“Yeah, you’re always right. You would have felt something if anything was off. I’m probably just acting jealous.” She leaned back against the headboard of my bed.

“Exactly, everything’s fine. Don’t worry; I’ll always have time for you. Beside’s we’ll always have Sunday Movie Night’s.” I smiled and leaned back to watch the movie.

We watched and chatted, catching up on stuff until dinner and had dinner with the family before going back to movie night. I fell into ‘summer break’ mode so easily. This was going to be a great summer.

I woke up to the feeling of being poked at. I crossed of Mom and Dad as possible candidates for poking me awake while I sleep; they always crept in and gently shook me away. Tyler would scare the living daylights out of me to wake me up and Chase gave me a kiss and a soothing wake up as well. So that left Ash who fell asleep with me on my bed.

“What? It’s too early to be awake…” I croaked, rolling over.

“No it’s not; it’s 2 in the afternoon! I’m hungry!” She replied.

“Ugh go ask mom for some food.” I replied, pulling up the blanket.

“Your mom went out with your dad to talk to the neighboring pack about something. I was already up so they told me to tell you and Ty when you guys woke up.” She replied.

That snapped my eyes open.

“Neighboring pack? About what?” I asked, shooting up out of bed.

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