Part 13

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Recap: That was all that we could do. It was 1 am, no one was awake, and it was too early for her to do anything. She lay down against me and tried to fall asleep.

What could have possibly scared her this much? She hadn’t had a nightmare in at least 10 years. Her parents were the cause of it, I knew that but what could have happened? She talked about a trick or something. I would have to get it out of Zane or Jack, because asking Alex would be cruel.

I stroked Alex’s hair, smoothing it out, relaxing her. Soon she fell asleep.

Alex had thought knowing the truth would set her free. She was wrong, it only brought more problems. Now we’re going to have to find her parents, while training Tyler and Selene, looking for their mates as well. Just like old times, I thought bitterly.

I wasn’t sure Alex could handle much more. I knew she was strong, but she was also weak. She wasn’t superhuman or super werewolf or super Lifest, she was Alex. She couldn’t hold all of this. I don’t know why everyone expected so much out of her, when they could clearly see she couldn’t take all of this.

I sighed, and soon I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. We would deal with this in the morning, I thought, before I fell asleep.

 Part 13

Alex’s POV

I had gone back to sleep, but even that was temporary. I had a sense of nostalgia and déjà vu, because back when the war between good and evil in my body was over, I had these nightmares. They weren’t of my parents. I actually don’t remember what they were of. Every time I woke up, I would have no recollection of exactly what I saw. Soon though, these nightmares ended and I just forgot about them all together, in an attempt to live as normally as possible.

I couldn’t believe they were back, that was what really shocked me, I suppose. The next morning, I woke up quite early. Even though I had very little sleep it wasn’t noticeable at all. No one could even tell, because I didn’t have bags under my eyes and I looked quite young. It was 5:30 in the morning now, so I thought to make breakfast for the pack. In the process of trying not to disturb Alec and the kids, I had to sneak out of our room, tip toe out of our dorm, and run into the kitchen downstairs to make breakfast as quietly as I could.

Once I made breakfast, which consisted of omelets, eggs, which are sunny side up, hardened and boiled, turkey sausages, hash browns, cinnamon buns, biscuits, toast, strawberries, oranges, plus orange juice, freshly squeezed might I add, and other fruits. I made sure that everyone had more than enough to eat. It was now 8:30 and the pack usually all ate together at 9 o’ clock on the dot, so I went to go wake up the pack.

There is a main office, in the pack house, where we make all of our announcements. I picked up the phone and pressed a button to the house speakers.

“Good morning, all my pack members! It’s time to rise and shine! I’ve already made breakfast, so please come down when you are decent. Don’t eat though, until everyone is at the table, please. Thank you!” I said cheerfully before ending the speaker call.

I went upstairs to wake up my family, as I’m sure most other mothers in the pack did. When I arrived however, Alec, Selene and Tyler were up, ready and dressed, waiting for me to come get them.

“Hey mom, let’s go.” Selene smiled at me.

“Yeah, I’m starved.” Tyler went an opened the door of the dorm for us to leave.

I smiled at my family and Selene and Tyler went to go meet up with Zach and Ash before they went to breakfast with the pack. Alec and I went to breakfast, wanting to be there before the rest of the pack. Alec put his arm around my shoulders, as we walked to the giant table in our dining room that seated every single pack member. At the head of the table, it was so big and wide, that it fit two people, so Alex and I would fill that spot, and at the other end, it was supposed to be Tyler and his mate, since he would soon be taking the position of alpha, but right now it was Tyler and Selene. Everyone else basically sat where they wanted to. Zach sat to the right of Tyler and Ash sat to the left of Selene. Alec’s parents sat to the right of him, Suzy and Andrew usually sat to the left of me. I smiled when everyone started to make their way in. At 9:00 on the dot everyone was seated. I looked around at my family, my pack, and rose along with Alec.

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