Chapter 17: Midnight

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Selena's POV

The weeks after our anniversary went by in a blur and December rolled around. Soon the Christmas cheer began kicking in and so did the stress. Christmas came and went and my love for Justin only grew stronger. With one more day to go before New Year's, I lay back in bed with my headphones in listening to Taylor Swift. The oh so farmiliar beginning of Starlight blares through my ears and I smile faintly. Only a few more hours until I get to see Justin. I have a lot to be grateful and hopeful for when the clock strikes midnight. I get up from my bed and walk over to my open closet. The gold sparkly dress I bought two weeks ago is just waiting for me to put it on. I reach forward and touch the material. It's so soft, but rough at the same time. I look over at the clock on my nightstand. It's 5:24. Justin said he was picking me up around 7:00, might as well start on getting ready. I walk to my vanity and sit down in front of it with my phone playing She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. I grab my makeup bag and start applying my primer and foundation. I grab my powder and dust it over my face before I move onto my eyes. I quickly prime them and apply black eyeliner. I pick a dark golden shade and apply it to my lid. I take a champagne color and apply it to my crease before I curl my eye lashes. After I put some mascara, I run a brush through my hair and spray some heat prevent in it. I pick up the curling wand and wrap a section of hair around it.

Half an hour later, I'm finished and I have a headful of bouncy curls. I take a bottle of hairspray and spray them into place. I look at the clock again. 6:35. I still have a pretty good amount of time. I walk to my closet and grab the hanger with the dress on it. I smile to myself as I slide it over my hips and around my torso. I zip it up and step into my stilettos. I walk back to my vanity and swipe a layer of red lip gloss across my lips. There. I look in the mirror and smile confidently. I hope Justin likes it. I hear the doorbell ring downstairs, he's early. I walk down the stairs just as my dad opens the door. I look over Justin and smile. He's wearing a white button-up with the sleeves rolled up and some dark wash jeans. He gives me a dazzling smile and winks at me.

"You look beautiful, like always." he says.

I smile. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." He laughs.

I turn back to my dad. "I'll be home by two, okay?" I say. He nods.

"Stay safe." he says.

I nod and grab my clutch off the little table by the door. Justin opens the door for me and wraps his hand around mine.

"Are you ready?" Justin whispers in my ear.


We get downtown and we're inside the club soon enough. Most of the night is spent by dancing with or kissing Justin. I feel him wrap his arms around my waist.

"It's almost midnight." he says.

I laugh. "Good. That means I have an excuse to kiss you again." I say, smiling.

We're interrupted by the DJ stopping the music and starting a countdown.

"I love you, Selena Marie Gomez." he says, leaning his forehead onto mine.

"30...29...28...27...26...25.." the crowd screams around us.

"I love you so much." I say.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4..." the screams get louder. "3...2...1...Happy New Year!"

Justin looks into my eyes. "Happy New Year, babe." he says before kissing me.

I smile into the kiss and I can't think of a better way to start off a new year.


Well I hope you liked it and sorry for the long wait! School's out for me so maybe my updates will become more frequent (maybe). What can I say, I love you all so much! You've gotten me to 9,000 reads and you don't know how nice that is, so thank you, so much. Thank you for your kind words and for reading, just thank you. I have some interesting ideas that I'm going to work in within the next few chapters, so I hope you like them. Love y'all! ~Yazmin

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