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The next day, the four seasons returned to the Throne Room to once again perform the Ceremony of the Changing of the Seasons.

As Summer, Autumn, and Winter strolled through the halls, Winter reminded himself to remain calm; to not let the fear and anxiety shorten his fuse.

It has to be today. Winter thought. If Summer is more than a day late... Who knows what will happen?

Winter let his ears take in Autumn and Summer's small, casual talk.

He had been meaning to ask them if they've been having trouble controlling their powers, but something always made him bite his tongue and take a step back.

He tuned out Autumn and Summer's conversation and listened to the howling winds in his mind.

You can't control me...

I am the cold. And I don't truly exist; I am just absence of heat.

Cold is a constant reminder of absence.

And you are the cold.

You lack Summer's warmth, her happiness, her joy.

And that's all you do.

If you weren't here, life would be so much better for everyone.

Just let me take over; rain down and destroy you.

Let yourself be buried under the mounds of crystalline white powder; let it suffocate you and freeze you.

It would be better that way.

Winter shook his head, trying to listen to anything else but that voice.

No! He countered the voice. I can control you. I am your ruler!

Haven't you ever heard of a rebellion? A mutiny? A coup d'état? Three different concepts, but they all consist of the same chain of events... Overthrowing a ruler.

Some have failed. Winter pointed out. Not all have been successful.

Winter counted it as a small victory when his mind didn't respond.

Summer and Autumn chatted away, unaware of the war waging in Winter's head.


Spring rubbed her temples, impatiently awaiting the arrival of the other three seasons.

It was great sitting on the Throne and know that you have absolute power over the weather, but the task was both mentally and physically daunting.

She sighed in relief as she heard the doors begin to creak.

The other three seasons strolled into the Throne Room, and Spring looked down on them.

Summer, per the norm, was smiling brightly with glowing eyes.

Autumn always looked around in awe whenever he entered the Throne Room, even though he's been in there countless times over the millennia, and even when he was on the Throne. He always found the beauty in everything, no matter what it was or how many times he had seen it.

Spring looked over at Winter, and she felt his melancholy aura make her heart sink a little.

Winter has always been a bit more somber than the others, but over the past few years, he just got sad.

Spring always wondered why, but never asked him. She knew he would dodge the question and try and change the subject.

Spring stood as the other three seasons reached the top of the steps leading up to the Throne.

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