All four seasons could leave their realm and travel down to earth, but there were a few rules concerning it.
Rule #1: A season must have permission from the reigning season before visiting earth
Rule #2: If a season is going alone, they can't stay on earth for more than 24 hours; if they were to stay for longer, the human influence will be too strong and could be disastrous for all the seasons
Rule #3: While on earth, avoid human contact if at all possible; do not speak to or physically touch a human. Stay in rural or deserted areas so balance between the two realms can be maintained.
Autumn's plan would require breaking all of those, omit rule #2. Buying a notebook should take him but a few minutes.
Then, Autumn wondered, when and how did Winter get his first notebook?
It was very rarely the seasons had to go down to earth, and Autumn's trip would be the first in at least four centuries.
Such a trip will most likely not go unnoticed, but Autumn wanted to help his best friend, and this was the only way he could do so.
He walked down the hall to another set of double doors, similar but not as big or ornate as the ones that led to the Throne Room.
These double doors acted as a portal, immediately transporting whoever went through it to the place they pictured in their minds.
Autumn took a deep breath as he stared at the plain, rustic gold handles. He could get in a lot of trouble for this.
He closed his eyes and pictured himself holding a notebook similar to the one Tyler had before it was destroyed.
He imagined scattered voices around him, and the weight of a leather wallet in his pocket.
He opened his eyes and saw what he envisioned in the portal, rippling like water.
"Well," he exhaled. "Here we go."
Spring plopped into her bed, sighing heavily.
She stared up at her ceiling, the sunlight muffled by a puffy, pure white cloud.
But at a corner of the room were small, gray clouds beginning to grow as they barreled across the sky.
Her eyes followed the clouds, the reflections of small flashes of lightning dancing on her pupils.
Drops began to fall sporadically, the blades of grass reaching to catch them.
Another shower.
Like most of the showers, it only lasted a minute or two before coming to an almost immediate stop.
The gray clouds rolled away, making way for sunshine.
The warmth kissed the earth softly, whispering to the fallen raindrops that it was time to go; coaxing them to release themselves from the saving hold of the green grass.
Spring closed her eyes, letting the aromatic smells and warm sunshine ease her of her troubles.
Her eyes flew open when thunder began to crackle and snap, boom and rumble.
An armada of thunderclouds came marching in, firing raindrops from their arrows onto the earth, showing it no mercy.
Spring sat up, blinking rapidly as raindrops pelted her face.
Something was wrong. Something was horribly, horribly wrong.
Winter woke up, his mind cutting the strings that controlled the dream he just had, but couldn't remember.

Vetur, Sumar, Samanrenna
FanficFour beings rule the four seasons. Spring has her turn from March until June, restoring the flora that Winter had destroyed during his reign. After her comes Summer, who will control her season until September. She completely unveils the sun, havi...