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A/N: I'm back to the actual Icelandic word for the numbers now lol anyway here's an update

Autumn and Winter strolled down the hallway in silence. The tension was weighing on them, so they couldn't find much to say as they made their way to Autumn's room. It wasn't a long walk, however, so the silence didn't last for long.

Winter realized that it's been years since he's been in Autumn's room, and he could hardly remember what it looked like.

Once he entered, he scolded himself for ever forgetting the utter beauty that was Autumn's room.

Autumn's season is criminally underrated. Most people only like it because it was the season their birthday landed on, or that's when their favorite sport started up again. But hardly anyone thinks autumn is a beautiful season. They just think of it as dead leaves and dry, crispy air.

But Autumn's room captured the true beauty of his season.

His room had brighter, bolder colors than any of the other seasons. There was a canopy of scarlets, sunflower yellows, chartreuse, violets, and deep oranges that decorated the high ceilings, hanging precariously from brittle, beige tree branches. The sky was the lightest blue, highlighted with thin, heather grey streaks. The air was as crisp as the dying leaves, and didn't seem to have a distinct scent to it. It was just air. Autumn's season made everything feel simpler.

"It's nice, right?" Autumn smiled. "I love my room. Anyway, we should put our heads together and figure out what's going on."

Winter nodded in agreement.

He and Autumn sat at the wooden table against the wall, an awkward silence already hanging between them.

"Okay, think," Autumn said, finally interrupting the silence. "What could be causing all of this?"

"Something is still off-balance, obviously." Winter replied.

"Well, yeah, but what?" Autumn added.

Winter shrugged, then. "Maybe we should retrace our footsteps."

Autumn sighed. "Winter, we've existed for literally all of eternity. Do you know how many footsteps we've made?"

"All of this didn't start happening until recently, though," Winter pointed out. "We won't have to walk back too far."

"I guess it's worth a shot," Autumn agreed. "So, when did your powers start going out of control?"

Winter sighed, trying to replay his memories so he could remember the events that occurred that fateful day, but ended up with nothing.

"We're gonna be here for a while." Autumn sighed, burying his face in his hands.


Spring dabbed Summer's forehead with the iced cloth again, still trying to bring her body temperature back down.

"Where's Winter?" Summer asked with a moan.

"He's with Autumn trying to figure out why this is happening, remember?" Spring answered, giving Summer a sip of water.

"Can Winter come in here?" Summer requested, wincing.

"No, Summer," Spring shook her head. "Like I said before, he and Autumn are trying to figure out why this is happening."

"Please? I want him here with me."

Spring sighed, applying the cloth to Summer's forehead again. "How are we going to get him? I would have to leave you here by yourself."

"I can take care of myself, Spring." Summer replied, reaching to take the cloth.

"Fine." Spring caved. "Just dab it across your forehead and take sips of water every once in a while."

Summer nodded, beginning to do as she was told.

Spring prayed that her actions wouldn't indirectly kill Summer as she ran out to get Winter.


"When you went to earth," Winter began. "Spring's powers starting getting out of control. But it can't be that it happens if someone leaves since we're all here."

"Maybe even a lack of connection could cause it," Autumn suggested. "Maybe if I don't interact with Spring for a while, things could be thrown off-balance."

Winter's eyebrows shot up. "Autumn, that's it!"

"It is?" Autumn asked, surprised that he actually figured something out for once. He couldn't fight the smile that took over his face.

"Yes!" Winter exclaimed. "I've always shunned Summer, and after I yelled at her the other day, my powers started getting worse."

"So you need to form a better relationship with Summer in order for both of your powers to get back in control again." Autumn concluded.

"Exactly. We have to get to the Throne Room."

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Spring?" Autumn called, his eyebrows knit.

"Yes!" She replied from the other side of the door. "Winter, Summer wants you with her."

"Good," Winter smiled. "I want to be with her, too."

He and Autumn stood, opening the door.

"Summer is by herself so we have to hurry." Spring said, already starting to walk briskly down the hall, the others trying to catch up.

Winter's heart was racing. The burden of both his own world and the one below them was on his shoulders. If he screws up trying to reconnect with Summer, the apocalypse would be his fault.

Could he do it? Really?

No. You can't.

Why do you always come at the worst times?

It is my specialty.

Go away, please. There's too much on the line here, I can't have you criticizing my every move.

Exactly. I am your insecurities, after all. Don't think you can do something, but there's still a bit of hope in you that you will? I'm there to crush it in a heartbeat.

Will I ever be able to defeat you?

No. I'm a part of you. In order to destroy me, you must destroy yourself.

Winter smiled as a thought came to his mind.

Well, I'm about to get to someone who could help me drown your voice out.

The voice in his head went silent, making Winter's grin become a wider one of triumph.

They soon reached the Throne Room, opening the door.


Summer groaned, opening her eyes as she heard the door creaking.

"Winter?" She managed weakly, attempting to sit up a bit.

Through her blurred vision, she distinguished Winter's shape running towards her.

Soon, he was kneeling beside her, panting.

"It's okay, now," He told her. "I'm here."


Only one more chapter left guysssss

I might be able to get that done today so prepare yourselves.

Vote and comment if you liked it as always!

Stay alive |-/

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