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Winter looked down at Summer, looking at her misty, blue eyes.

How does he reconnect with her? Do they just talk? Does there need to be physical contact? Both? He decided to try talking first.

"We figured out that the reason why everything is off-balance is that you and I aren't close enough," Winter began, explaining the situation. "So you and I need to start bonding."

Summer smiled weakly. "I would love that."

Winter grinned. "Where should we start?"

"What's your favorite color?" Summer asked, that weak smile still adorning her face.

"White," Winter replied with the obvious answer. "What's yours?"

"Blue." Summer answered, looking up at the ceiling. "It's like a robin's egg blue, you know?"

"Like your eyes." Winter compared, smiling again.

Summer nodded. "Yeah."

"Speaking of eyes," Winter started. "What's your favorite thing about yourself?"

Summer shrugged. "My hair is nice."

"It is," Winter agreed. "Like threads of gold."

Summer giggled, ducking her head. "What about you?"

Winter shook his head. "Nothing really comes to mind."

"Your eyes are really nice, too," Summer replied. "And you have a really cute smile."

"I have a horrible smile." Winter corrected.

"No," Summer shook her head. "You have a beautiful smile."

"Fine," Winter sighed. "I don't have an ugly smile."

Summer smiled triumphantly. She was beginning to feel better, and the room was starting to cool down. "Winter, it's working!" She said.

"Yes, but it hasn't fixed anything yet," Winter pointed out. "We need to keep talking, okay?"

Summer nodded. "If you could save either me or Autumn, who would you save?"

"Oh, we're getting into those kind of questions," Winter blinked. "I hate those."

"C'mon, Winter," Summer encouraged. "Me or Autumn?"

Winter smirked. "Autumn." He teased.

As Summer slapped his arm repeatedly for not choosing her, he realized he was actually happy. The voice in his head was gone without a trace. The area that Summer was hitting felt warm with her touch. Simply talking to her about random things seemed to thaw the ice that costed his soul. He wondered how Summer felt (Besides ticked off for saving Autumn instead of her).

"Okay, okay," He gave in. "I would save you. Now, please stop hitting me."

"Fine." Summer harrumphed, folding her arms.

"Thank you." Winter chuckled.

"Sorry about that," Summer apologized, chuckling as well. "I know you were joking. I thought I'd play along."

"It's okay." Winter smiled.

"I really like this." Summer confessed, sighing contentedly.

"Yeah. I do, too."

"We should do this more often." Summer suggested eagerly.

"Well, we'll have to if we want to keep the universe balanced." Winter chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's still so nice to actually have a conversation with you than fight with you." Summer gushed.

Winter sighed. "I should apologize for all those fights."

"No, it's okay," Summer replied. "I forgive you."

"Thanks," Winter said with a half-smile. "I'm glad we've made up."

"Me, too." Summer agreed.

Winter reached and cupped Summer's cheek in his hand.

A cold sensation came with Winter's touch, but it was the nice kind, like holding a cold drink on a hot summer day.

Winter was affected by the contact, too; warmth tingled his fingertips and coursed through his veins.

He looked into Summer's eyes again, and most of the mist that was in them earlier was gone. The clouds were rolling away, revealing the summer sky.

Winter began to lean in, closing his eyes.

Summer placed her hand on the back of Winter's neck pulling him in closer and connecting their lips.

The room was suddenly filled with a white, blinding light.

The light faded as Winter and Summer pulled away, gazing into each other's eyes.

There wasn't a trace of any clouds in Summer's eyes. The sky within in them was more brilliant and blue than ever before.

There was a light in Winter's eyes, making his eyes a lighter shade of brown. They were like wood holding a crackling fire.

"I-I think it worked," Summer smiled. "It's not that hot in here anymore."

"Does that mean my room is back to normal?" Winter asked, more hope filling his eyes.

"Go look," Summer invited. "You can tell me all about it when you get back."

Winter grinned, quickly kissing her again before standing up and running out eagerly.

"You two are adorable!" Spring cooed.

"Thanks," Summer smiled, sitting up. "You and Autumn are pretty adorable, too."

Both ended up blushing and looking down at the floor.

A minute later, Winter returned to the Throne Room, the biggest grin plastered on his face. He sprinted up to the Throne, beginning to ramble about how beautiful his room is now.

"It's like how it was before, but it's so much more beautiful now," He gushed. "It's so much whiter! Pure, pure white! There's more light for the ice in the snow to refract, the icicles hanging from the chandelier make rainbows, it's just so beautiful, Summer. Oh, I wish you could see it."

"I'll be able to once it's Autumn's turn to sit on the Throne," Summer replied. "But thank you for painting me a picture."

"I guess everything is back to normal now." Spring said.

"Yeah," Autumn nodded. "All because of Winter, Summer, converging."

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