Mother's Day

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Written for the Sci-Fi Smackdown Recruitment Drive!  Oorah!

Jonathan Fleetwood studied the three alien faces seated opposite for a moment, in silence. Each was wearing an identical expression of polite respect but he couldn't help feeling something was missing. He was not 'connecting' as his son Josh would say. He looked down at the silver tray which only moments ago had held a selection of rich pastries, at the glasses, now drained of their sweet honey liqueur.  

Everyone knew that the Delvers loved the sweet things humans could provide and in fact just last week he had signed a contract with Oretha, the one now seated in the middle, for a regular supply of gems in exchange for their monetary worth in pastries and Benedictine, he had had to acquire two additional bakeries and a rather large share in a distillery, for that deal. That was fine as far as it went. But he wanted more. He wanted an option to purchase the best gems, the rare ones the size of pigeon eggs, just like the stunning ruby Oretha was now wearing around his furry neck.  

He had brought out a selection of the most exquisite pastries his chef could concoct, opened his last bottle of Drambuie, but even those delicacies hadn't persuaded them to change their minds and negotiate. He thought Aretha, the smallest one on Oretha's left had been tempted, he had eaten the largest share of pastries, but he hadn't broken rank. As he watched, Aretha surreptitiously brushed a crumb from his chest fur and smiled at him, a little guiltily, Jonathan fancied. 

Each one thanked him politely for the small feast, and began the lengthy, formal ritual of departure. Jonathan tried to keep smiling respectfully, fighting a sudden urge to burst out with "For God's sake, sell me the damn gems!" which would not only have been incredibly rude but would probably have lost him the current contract. 

To his further annoyance, his secretary, Ramon, popped his head around the door at that inauspicious moment. "Have you decided what you are getting your mother for Mother's Day yet?" he asked. "Oh sorry! I didn't know your guests were still here," he apologised, his face scarlet with embarrassment. 

Oretha paused, right in the middle of a particularly flowery sentence. He stared questioningly at Jonathan. "You have a special day to give gifts to your female parent?" 

"Yes. It's an old Earth tradition, we call it Mother's Day. On that day, it's customary to give one's mother a gift, flowers, chocolates ... or jewellery." He didn't know quite what had inspired him to add that last bit but it seemed to have struck a chord. 

The three aliens exchanged impenetrable looks. Oretha and Ira both turned to Aretha, who blinked slowly. Once.  

Oretha continued acting as spokesperson for the group, "You, personally, participate in this custom?" 

"Yes, every year," Jonathan answered, suddenly a bit anxious. What if he had misjudged, what if this was some terrible breach of etiquette? Too late now.  

Oretha gave a small smile. "Aretha is just about to come into his female phase. He considers this a wonderful custom, perhaps we could reconsider your proposal."

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