Turnpike Nineteen

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Turnpike Nineteen 

(Written for Forbidden Planet's SFSD 6.0 Round 3 "Classics vs Trashics"

The 'Classic' I chose was "The Swiss Family Robinson" and the 'Trashic' was "Bridget Jones Diary")

New Year's Resolutions 

I will 

Drink no more than 14 alcohol units a week 

Improve career and find new job with potential 

Be more confident 

Be more assertive 

Go to gym three times a week not merely to buy a sandwich

1 January 2522 

23:00 Consumed six units of alcohol today. 

The food on this ship is simply unbelievable! Unbelievably bad that is. Today we had something called turkey curry, and yes, it tasted just as bad as it sounds. I wasn't the only person who needed an extra couple of drinks to wash it down. I don't know where the cook gets his ideas from. There's a rumour going round that he found an old book of recipes, actually made of paper, but I don't believe it. 

Have finally met the family from two cabins down. The Robinsons. Mum, Dad and four boys. Elizabeth is the wife and mother, short and full of energy, looks thirty but must be nearer forty, beautiful eyes. I can't believe she has had four children. William is the husband and father, the serious type, much quieter than his wife who talks enough for both of them. He looks older, his hair is already going grey on the temples, what there is of it. He was a lawyer in Bern but he's spent the last few weeks learning how to do manual labour. When we shook hands, his was quite rough. Rather him than me! 

Then there are the boys. The youngest is only six. He is called Fritz and a real cutie. Ernest and Rudy are the middle ones, then there's Frederick, the oldest boy. I think he's got a crush on me poor kid, he blushed every time I looked at him. He is quite good looking, tall for his age with those gorgeous long lashes that boys often seem to have and don't appreciate. Too bad he is only sixteen. 

The whole family is emigrating to Alconbury to live on a farm! Elizabeth told me they'd had enough of city life. They wanted a place where the boys could grow and 'get back to nature', whatever that means. Sounds like they had a lovely apartment right in the middle of Bern too. They simply packed up and left. I don't imagine they could bring much with them, they'll have to start again from scratch. Quite brave really when you think about it. Made me glad I am just on my annual visit to Aunt and Uncle, tedious as I expect it will be! 


2 January 2522 

14:00 Consumed three units of alcohol today, so far. 

We had an emergency drill this morning. I hadn't had time to read the procedures yet and I wasn't the only one! Total chaos! They made us do it all again immediately afterwards. The Robinson boys of course thought it was the best thing to happen so far, naturally enough they had all carefully read the evacuation instructions, even little Fritz. 

That siren must have taken two years off my life, had to have a small shot of brandy when I got back to my cabin to calm my nerves. 

At least we got to see the Captain, Mark Darcy, again. He came out to give us all a pep talk after the first fiasco of a drill. Swoon. Tall, broad shouldered, uniform, gorgeous smile, what more do I need to say? Super hot. He's probably gay. Note to self - stop obsessing over unattainable men! 

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