Alexa Rages

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Alexa's POV

“Mrs. Denver, I’m home!” I shouted as I entered the living room. Few seconds later, Mrs. Denver appeared in the kitchen doorway.

“Have you eaten your lunch already?” she asked.

“I did already Mrs. Denver,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, by the way Alexa. Someone called up. It is an International Call. She said, her name is Cassie Santiago. Do you know her?” Mrs. Denver asked.

I smiled and nodded. “My bestfriend from the Philippines. What time did she call?”

“Just half an hour ago,” Mrs. Denver answered.

“I should give her a call, Mrs. Denver. I'll be upstairs,” I said and made my way to the staircase.

“Okay. Just tell me when you need something,” I heard Mrs. Denver say it before I disappeared out from her sight and I gave her a nod,


Niall's POV

“How could we find that girl? She’s hard to find,” Harry whined as I was thinking deeply.

“I have no idea,” I said. Then Louis’ phone rang, that we all looked to him.

“Hello?” Louis asked on the caller.

“Louis! This is your PA,” the girl voice in the other line said.

“Oh, yeah. What’s up?” he asks as we listened intently.

“Everyone is looking for you boys. Where are you?” she asked us. Louis shot us a look. “Your concert tonight, remember? Have you forgotten?” she asked.

The boys shared a look. “Yeah, we do remember and actually we are preparing our things now. We are technically almost on our way,” Louis said then turned off the phone right away as he faced us.

I was out of my self and Liam noticed it. “Look, Niall. We have the whole tomorrow to find Alexa okay? Don’t be in rush,” Liam suggested then he stood up as well as the other boys. I remained seated. The boys turned to me.

“Niall? Come on. We still have a concert to kick out tonight,” Zayn said.

I stood up and stopped. “Wait,” I called out. The boys turned to me due to my sudden call to them.

“What is it this time mate?” Harry asked.

“I was just wondering if we could ask someone to find Alexa and bring her to the concert tonight?” I asked. The boys shot each other a curious look.

“Not in a short notice,” Liam said.

”But she lives just near the coffee shop where we bumped her,” i said. \

“And how do you know about that?” Louis asked.

“I just guessed. What if?” I said.

“Okay, okay. We could fix that as soon as we are in the arena. We just really need to go now,” Zayn said. I nodded and got out from being seated and we leave.

 Alexa’s room: 

Alexa's POV

“Cassie!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Alexa! You finally called! Where were you? I called up like forty minutes ago and Mrs. Denver was the one who answered it,” Cassie said.

“Went to stroll around and see more of London,” I answered “I’ll be out again later,"

“Are you partying there?” Cassie asked in a very concerned voice. I laughed.

“Wrong. No time for that,” I said as I jumped to my bed.

“So you met anyone there in particular?” Cassie asked.

“Do you mean One Direction?” I asked with a frown.

“Who else would I mean?” Cassie asked mockingly.

“Yeah, met them. Yesterday. By accident,” I said as I had some flashbacks of what has happened yesterday.

“It sound that the 'by accident' meeting was not good,” Cassie said.

“You bet! Who would be when they accidentally poured hot drink all over you?” I asked.

“And what happened?” she asked, curiously.

“Oh this Niall Horan was the one who technically bumped me. He actually never said sorry to me right after it happened! I can’t believe that he did that!” I said.

“I can sense that someone is hurting,” Cassie said.

“Please! I’m not!” I retorted.

“He is your crush Alexa! You would feel bad after your crush did that,” Cassie said.

“Correction to your sentence. It’s ex-crush. E-X-C-R-U-S-H,” I corrected her.

“Well I didn’t expect that to hear from you. You know, I could still remember how you we’re so excited to meet Niall Horan and the boys aside from finding your father there,” Cassie said “It seems everything has changed,”

“Would you believe I deleted all their songs?” I asked.

“You’re so rude best. R-U-D-E. Don’t involve the other boys please,” Cassie suggested.

“It’s their fault, most especially that Nialler,” I said and I could hear Cassie on the other line huff.

O2 Arena, London Backstage:

Niall's POV

“Okay, I have talked with some people who could find Alexa as soon as possible,” Louis said.

“Seriously, what is really your plan Nialler? Are you making jokes or trying to hurt her?” Harry asked.

“Just the same as what I had said,” I said.

“You’ll still continue doing that thing?” Liam asked in a very worried voice. I looked to Liam and nodded.

“You must be joking. What if she is a Directioner?” Zayn asked.

“Impossible!" I retorted. "She didn’t act the same as the girls over there who’s gonna scream when they will see us,” I said.

“Don’t act so nonchalant mate. Not all the girls are like that. There are some who are fans but are as calm as the sea when they see celebrities,” Louis said.

“Not her,” I said

“You know mate, when you will make that girl cry because you played her, I honestly don’t know what to do with you,” Harry said and the boys shot Harry a look.

"You can't blame me though," I said that made the four of them shook their heads.

Irresistible: Book One Of One Direction Series (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now