Niall Never Saw It Coming

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Chapter 10

Niall’s car stopped in front of a restaurant where he and the boys hang out. Niall stepped down the car and locked his car up and immediately went to the doorstep but before he could enter the door of the restaurant, girls we’re running to Niall and we’re flanking him. It was already evening but there are still girls hanging out just to see him. How’d they know?! Niall told himself in his mind. The guards in the restaurant started to help out Niall get out of the growing crowd. “Niall!” screamed one girl somewhere in the crowd. “I am your girlfriend!” another said. Niall smirked. “Where is she Niall?!” Another screamed. “Mr. Horan, this way,” a guy wearing a suit that he knows from the restaurant ushered him inside the restaurant as the security guards and the other staff of the said restaurant came to help to ease the noise and the growing crowd. Niall finally entered the restaurant when the door opened. He was followed by the manager who ushered him. “This is never-ending,” Niall said with a smile. “This always happen,” “That is fine. You are seem to be alone Sir?” the manager asked. “I thought the others have arrived already,” Niall said. “They haven’t arrived yet sir. Probably, they will be here soon. But Mr. Tomlinson already reserved a table sir just few hours ago,” the manager said. “I see,” Niall said “This way sir,” the manager ushered. As Niall was ushered to the very same area of the restaurant where they hang out, another car arrived in front of the same restaurant. The car was Louis’. The car stopped and few seconds later, the people inside the car stepped down. First, Liam and Louis and then followed by Harry and Zayn, both sides stepped down in the passenger seat. The girls who crowded earlier in front of the restaurant, started to crowd them as well. Many we’re screaming. “I love you Harry!” a girl screamed just near Harry. “Zayn, marry me!” another shouted. “Louis is my boyfriend!” another shouted. “Liam, make me as your bride!” Another screamed. Then Harry held out his hand inside the passenger seat and Alexa stepped down the car. The crowd started to get calm when they saw Alexa out of the car. The crowd started to make noise when everyone started to whisper at each other. “Wasn’t she the girl that Niall introduced as the new girl he’s fell in love with?” a girl whispered to another. “Come Alexa, we have to go in now. Niall’s here already. His car is here,” Harry said and pulled her to the restaurant door as the crowd followed her as she entered the door and is being followed by Liam, Louis and Zayn. “Welcome, Sir, Madame,” the manager greeted. The table for six is already occupied by Mr. Horan at room 5”.”Okay, thank you,” Harry said then turned to Alexa “Are you ready?” he asked then Alexa nodded. “Then let’s go,” Liam said then they moved to the reserved table.

*Inside the room”

“Thank you,” Niall said after he was given a glass of water. The waiter left and then the other boys entered. “Hey,” Louis greeted as they stepped in the room. Niall noticed them and he stood up. “Hey, I thought you we’re already here,” Niall said. “We have something to take care of,” Liam said. “Let’s eat. I’m hungry,” Niall said then he sat down and when he looked up, he saw Alexa entering the room. ‘We brought a friend Niall,” Louis said. Niall stared at her. Alexa was wearing a summer dress and heels. “Alexa, you take a seat beside me,” Harry suggested. Alexa smiled then sat down beside Harry and beside Harry was Niall. The other boys sat as well. “What is your order Alexa?” Zayn asked. Alexa smiled and turned to Niall, “What is the best food in here Babe?” Alexa asked. “Are you talking to me?” Niall pointed himself. “Of course…? Who’s the babe that I have here? As far as I know, it’s only you,” Alexa smiled. “Uhm… that would be Oysters in Worcestershire Sauce and French Meatballs topped in French made pasta,” Niall answered. Alexa smiled then turned to Harry. “That would be my order,” she said and Harry nodded. “You should pair it up with Orange Juice,” Louis suggested then he turned to Niall, “Right Niall?”.”Yeah. Perfect,” Niall said and Alexa smiled. She then turned to Louis, Liam and Zayn and smiled.


“But right before we will go in there. I suggest that we will bring you to our not so personal stylist,” Harry said. “Right. Let’s make this as Operation Niall Horan,” Zayn said. “Let’s make it that everything is real and everything was done all by you. No touches from us so that it would be more… genuine,” Louis said. “I really don’t know you plan very well,” Alexa said that made the boys smile. “You just really don’t know that much about us,”

“Help us to make her very gorgeous to Niall’s eyes,” Louis asked. ‘As far as what I know about Niall’s likes about a girl dressing up is that would be simple but very, very elegant,” the designer said. ’Then let’s do it,” Harry said “We still have several hours before dinner,” then the other boys grinned with delight.


“So Niall… how was the dentist? Did it give you creeps?” Liam asked as he took a bite of the pasta he ordered. “Well, it was good,” Niall said while giving Alexa a stare. Alexa didn’t mind what Niall was doing. “That’s good to hear,” Alexa said and the other boys smiled. “I bet the dentist has used your pearly whites as his new… mirror,” she joked and the other boys except Niall, laughed. “You’re so funny Alexa. Didn’t know you could actually pull off a joke,” Zayn said. Alexa laughed slightly. “Well, people aren’t pretty impressed when I pull one,” Alexa said. “But it was really a funny one,” Louis said as he wiped the pasta sauce from his lips using a napkin. “So,” Niall interrupted and everyone turned to him. “You actually went to meet up with the boys?” Niall asked and Alexa knew, Niall was asking her. “Of course not babe, to be exact we just saw each other and they invited me to come here. So I said yes!” Alexa said “I really didn’t mean to come but they asked me out and since I missed you and I don’t have your number, so it was a good chance to see you,” Alexa said ‘Didn’t you missed me?” she asked to Niall. The other boys just glanced at each other in delight. Niall just nodded with a fake smile. Whatever Niall, Alexa told herself in mind. She glanced again at Niall and smiled.

“Alexa, would you want to join us? Well drop you home,” Louis offered. But Harry stepped in, “It’s a lot better if Niall’s the one who will bring her home, which I think would be amazing. Right, mate?” Then Liam, Zayn, Louis and Alexa turned to Niall who was standing beside his car. “Uhm… yeah,” he replied. “I think that was a better idea,” Niall added. “Great. We’ll just wait for you at home,” Liam said and they started to step inside Louis’ car with Harry, glancing at Alexa before going in. The car engine started and the car started to move. “Let us go home now babe?” Alexa asked. Niall nodded without a smile. Alexa then stepped in to the car, right in the front seat and Niall entered the car. He then locked all the doors. He then started the car engine and the car moved.

“Do you know where I live?” Alexa asked. “I do,” Niall answered without breathing. “The address was given to me and it just happens that I pass by your street often,” Niall answered as he was focused in driving. “I see,” Alexa said. “I just wonder about whatever you did earlier,” Niall said. Alexa turned to Niall. “What do you think Niall?” Alexa smirked with her eyes staring at him sharply. “I don’t know if it is real,” Niall said as he turned into a corner. “It’s up to you if you will believe or not, Nialler,” Alexa said. Niall shook his head. “By the way, I had a seatmate named Sandra last night during the concert and she told me that she has a member of 1D who was her ex-boyfriend,” Alexa said and Niall gulped and shrieked. Alexa noticed Niall’s sudden reaction but acted as if she doesn’t know anything. “What’s the problem Babe? Are you okay?” she asked as she wiped Niall’s sweat. “You’re sweating. But we’re on an air conditioned car. Are you sure that you’re okay?” she asked. Niall nodded then the car stopped right in front of Alexa’s house. “Listen,” Niall said and Alexa’s stared at him. “I don’t know what you are doing and I don’t get it,” Niall said. “Then try to get what is it,” Alexa said and peeked to the window. “There is my house. I have to go. Good night,” Alexa said and opened the door but before she could step down, Niall pulled her and kissed her on her lips.

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