Everything Will Be Alright

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Niall's POV

I watched Alexa eating her food happily. She loves McDonald's, so she eats everything that is McDonalds, which I find as cute. She looks like a kid when she eats the burger and fries because she giggles like a kid.

We are all alone in the kitchen since the boys decided to hit their beds and doze off. We still have a flight tomorrow afternoon, back to London. I was lost in my thoughts that I had never noticed that Alexa was staring right at me.

"Babe?" she called me. I snapped out and I smiled at her. She laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You just smiled like an idiot," she answered and popped fries on her mouth.

"I did?" I asked and she nodded.

"You should have seen how you looked," she said as she popped three pieces of fries in her mouth. She looked to me and took another three pieces and moved it to my face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Eat," she demanded.

"No thank you," I said politely. She pouted her lips. She looks like a kid.

"Come on," she said and pouted her lips more. I smiled.

"'I can't resist you," I said and ate the fries off from her hands when I accidentally bit her fingers.

"Hey! Not the fingers!" she exclaimed as she looked at her fingers. I pulled her hand to me and kissed it.

"Sorry," I said and she smiled. I didn't bother to let go of her hands. "Use your other hand to eat,"

"I'm used to this hand babe," she said as she tried to get her hand off from my grip.

"Just stay it here. Use your other one," I demanded as I placed a kiss on her cheek. She stopped shaking her hand and ate her fries using her right hand.

"Why do you want my hands so bad?" she asked like a kid. I shrugged and kissed her hands. She grinned.

"Just nothing," I replied with a shrug again.

"That was cute," she said and ate all the remaining fries from the box. I looked at her.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked. "I ain't sleepy yet,"

"Good because I don't want to go to sleep yet. I think if I am going to bed again, my head is going to ache," she said as she crumpled the box with her own hands.

"Amazing grip you have in there," I teased. She looked at her right palm where the box is. The box was crumpled like the size of a golf ball. She smiled.

"I always do this and I kind of enjoy doing this crumpling box thingy," She shared. I nodded.

"Give me that. Let us see if I could shoot this into the garbage can," I said. She shrugged and gave the ball box to me. We turned ourselves and spotted the can under the sink. Then I looked at her and I took a deep breath. I ain't good at basketball. I then shoot the 'ball' to the can and... SCORE!

"Yay...!" Alexa squealed and hugged me. It was sort of big deal for both of us to shoot the ball. We sound like idiots.

"I can't believe I was able to shoot it in. I don't know that much when it comes to basketball," I said. Curiosity sucks.

"But at least you know one thing," Alexa said and I glanced at her. She smiled widely. "You know how to shoot the ball like a pro!"

"That was just a miracle," I said laughing. She hugged me tightly and it was so tight that I couldn't almost breathe. She moved away. I was gasping for air.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded.

"Ju-Just catching my br-breath. You almost killed me!" I exclaimed. She laughed at me.

"Sorry babe," she said. I nodded and she continued on. "I didn't mean to do that. I just got too carried away!"

"I know that and it's somehow cute," I said with a wink. She blushed. Then I wiped the squirt of ketchup over her face with the tissue. "I would really believe that you are still a kid if you don't know how to wipe the smug on your face," She looked to me and laughed.

"Because you'll fall in love with me more, don't you?" she asked as she was laughing. If you only knew how much I love you.

"You seem to be drunk," I said with a grin.

"Very funny Horan. I didn't drink one today. And too bad, I don't drink that much to get drunk," she said.

"Aww, that is so sweet of you," I said and kissed her on her cheeks again. She stood up immediately and pulled me to the living room.

"What do you want to watch?" she asked me as we sat down the couch. I can't think of anything.

"I have nothing in mind," I answered honestly. "How about you?"

"I can't even think of something to watch too," she said. She leaned on to me, her back to my chest and her head to my shoulder. My hands, wrapped around her. Silence was starting to wrap around us.

"Are you excited to go back to London?" I asked. I felt her head nod to my answer. "I see," I added.

"You?" she asked quietly.

"Sort of," I said honestly. That is what I am feeling right now.

"Sort of is not acceptable," She teased and I kissed her forehead. This girl really is making me fall for her so much, effortlessly.

"Okay, I am," I answered. Hardheaded girl, though.

"That is more like it," she said and held my hands that we're wrapped around her. "I've always wondered how it feels to hold hands with Niall Horan of One Direction. Now that I did, It made me so addicted,"

"You're addicted to my hands?" I asked and she nodded. "Weird," I blurted.

"Hey! That isn't weird. I thought you will say it's cute," she said and I stifled a laugh.

"It is but at the same time it is weird. You know how many girls dreams to be with me and dreams to do the very same things we are doing right now. But I have never thought about the hands really," I explained. "It is sort of new,"

"Get used to it," she snapped.

"I'll try. It is kind of hard," I said. She then intertwined her left hand to my left hand and started to play with the fingers.

"Do you think I could still find my dad?" she asked me. Oh yes, her dad.

"London id big babe. England as well. It's hard to find your dad... but... I am here. I'm ready to help you find your dad," I said. I heard her sigh.

"I miss my dad, you know that?"

"Yes babe, I know that,"

"I mean... why does he have to leave me and my mum? All these years, I longed for his love. No letters, no emails. None at all. He never reached out. But all these years, despite of abandoning me and my mum, I still want to see him and ask him to come back to me and mum," She said and I heard her sob. I wiped the tear from her eyes. " I grew up without a dad and seeing people around me with their whole family makes me wanted to die instead. It hurts,"

"I know how it feels babe," I said, hushing her sob. I know it hurts badly for her. She had never seen her father since she was 2. And now she is 20. That was 18 years ago. I heard her sigh. She then spoke.

"I feel sleepy already," she whined.

"You said you aren't going to sleep," I said and she nodded.

"But you made me feel sleepy babe," she said "I don't know why. Are you somehow a sleeping pill?"

"No I am not," I said and brushed her hair.

"Can I just go to sleep?" she asked.

"Go on. I'll be right here," I said then the next thing I knew her hands fell down and she is already asleep. Everything will be alright.

Irresistible: Book One Of One Direction Series (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now